Chapter 11

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One night in mid March, Harry and Hermione were walking back from the library together, and passed the loos on the second floor. They were completely flooded, and a screechy weeping could be heard coming from the girls' toilet. Hermione went inside, and found Moaning Myrtle sobbing with every sink in the room on full blast.

Harry stood in the doorway as Hermione hesitantly asked "What's wrong, Myrtle?"

"Someone thought it would be funny to throw a book at me!" Myrtle cried. "'Let's all throw books at Myrtle because she can't feel it. 5 points if it goes through her stomach! 10 points if it goes through her head!'" she said mockingly.

Harry looked down and saw said book floating near his feet. He picked it up. The words 'Tom Marvolo Riddle' were inscribed on the front.

"Who threw this at you?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, I didn't see them. I was just minding my business, thinking about death, when the book went through my head!" Myrtle began to whine again and started to cry in her miserable moaning way, as she floated away from Harry and Hermione, signaling that it was okay for them to leave.

They walked the rest of the way to the common room, wondering just who 'Tom Marvolo Riddle' was.

Harry had left the book spread out in the dormitory for several days so that it was dry, before finally trying to see what was in it.

He sat alone in his dorm, book on the desk in front of him. He opened the book, and flipped through it to find all the pages blank. Harry scrunched up his face, confused as he went through the book a second time, to find it just as blank.

Harry sat in utter astonishment for a few long, silent moments before an idea finally hit him. Harry picked up a quill and a bottle of ink, and flipped to a random page in the book. He placed a single drop of ink on the parchment. It sat there very still for a moment. Then, Harry watched as it disappeared into the parchment, as though the book itself had absorbed it. Then Harry decided to see what happened if he wrote in it. 'My name is Harry Potter' he wrote.
He watched as this too, slowly disappeared into the book. But this time, something happened. After Harry's writing was gone, it was replaced by the words: 'Hello, Harry Potter, my name is Tom Riddle'. The handwriting of this phrase was vastly different from his own. It was much more elegant.

'Do you know anything about the chamber of secrets?' Harry wrote.

'Yes, I was a student here when the chamber was opened in 1943' Riddle answered.

'Can you tell me?' Harry wrote.

'No' was Riddle's reply.

'But I can show you...'

Harry picked up the diary very confused as to what Tom could possibly mean. As he did so, a bright light eliminated the room very quickly, and Harry felt himself being pulled into Riddle's diary.

Harry found himself in a different part of the castle, somewhere around where he knew the staircase leading from the 1st to 2nd floor to be. But everything seemed to be in a slightly different light, and a tad fuzzy around the edges. Several meters away stood a young man, maybe 16 or 17 years old. He had dark hair with a gentle curl, and wore Slytherin robes. He was very tall, and devastatingly handsome.

"Hello?" Harry called out.
"Are you Tom Riddle?" Harry asked the young man. But the young man did not answer, but continued to stare up the stairs.
"Can you hear me?" Harry asked. Again, no answer.

Now several adults came down the stairs, carrying a stretcher with a sheet draped over whatever, or whomever was on it. Harry saw a limp hand from under the sheet as the people carrying the stretcher passed him. A professor in dark grey robes, with a long auburn beard and shoulder length auburn hair was not far behind them.

"Riddle!" The Professor called. Harry thought his voice sounded very familiar. "Professor Dumbledore," Riddle responded respectfully.

'That's what Dumbledore used to look like?' Harry thought to himself.

Riddle went up the stairs to where Dumbledore stood.
"It is not wise to be wandering around at this late hour, Tom." Dumbledore said calmly.

"I'm sorry, sir, I had to see for my self, if the rumors were true." Riddle replied

"I'm afraid they are, Tom." Dumbledore said simply.

"About the school as well?" Riddle asked with a hint of nervousness in his voice. "They wouldn't really close down the school, would they? I don't have a home to go to..."

"I understand, but I'm afraid headmaster Dippet had no choice." Dumbledore replied.

"What if it all stopped. If the person behind it was caught?" Riddle asked quickly.

There was a pause. Dumbledore seemed to be reading Riddle like a book.

"Is there something you wish to tell me, Tom?" Dumbledore asked with a knowing tone.

"No, sir, nothing," Riddle replied. Dumbledore eyed Riddle, seemingly unsure as to whether or not he should believe him.

After a few moments, Dumbledore finally said "Very well then, off you go."
And Riddle went off, and left the corridor. There was another flash and Harry found himself outside a seemingly empty classroom. Riddle went inside, to find a very large man working on something inside. "Evening, Rubeus" Riddle addressed the man. "I'm going to have to turn you in. I don't think you meant it to kill anyone but-" he was cut off. When the man replied, Harry could tell that he was not a man, but merely a teenager.

"You can't, you don't understand," Rubeus said.
"The dead girls parents will be here soon. The least that Hogwarts can do is make sure that the thing that killed their daughter is slaughtered." Riddle said.

"It wasn't him! Aragog never hurt no one. Never!" Rubeus pleaded.
"Monsters don't make good pets, Hagrid." Riddle said.

'No, Hagrid couldn't have done it' Harry thought.
Riddle drew his wand and pointed it at Hagrid. "Stand aside," Riddle warned.
"No," Hagrid protested.
"Stand aside," Riddle said, more sternly this time.
"No!" Hagrid protested more intensely.

Riddle cast a spell at the trunk behind Hagrid and something crawled out the window before Harry could see what it was.
"I'm sorry, Rubeus," Riddle said as he left the room. Hagrid looked on the verge of tears, as the world around Harry faded back into white.

There was a flash and all Harry could think was 'not Hagrid. This can't be right.' Before he found himself back in his own dorm again.

When Harry came back to his senses, he ran down to the common room to tell Ron, Hermione, and Neville what he'd seen.

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