Chapter 6

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After the chaos of Halloween night, tensions ran high during classes on November 1. The Gryffindor second years had Herbology with the Hufflepuffs that morning.

"Today we are repotting Mandrakes. In light of recent events, this lesson is incredibly important, so please pay close attention." Professor Sprout explained.
"Does anyone here know what mandrakes are used for?" She asked the class. Neville and Hermione both shot up their hands.
"Miss Granger-" Professor Sprout called.
"Mandrakes, or Mandragora, are used primarily in healing potions. They are the only known remedy for petrifications." Hermione explained.
"Very good, 5 points to Gryffindor." Professor Sprout said. "Now, does anyone know what safety measures we take with mandrakes and why we take them?"

Neville and Hermione both raised their hands again. "Mr Longbottom," Professor Sprout called.

"You must wear protective earmuffs when dealing with mandrakes. The scream of a fully grown mandrake is fatal." Neville explained.

"Very good, another 5 points to Gryffindor." Professor Sprout said. "Now as our mandrakes are still seedlings, their cries won't kill you, but could still knock you out for several hours. So please put on your earmuffs, and put the flaps down tightly."

The whole class quickly put on their earmuffs and made sure they were secure.

"Are everyone's earmuffs on tight?" Professor Sprout asked. Everyone nodded.
She explained, "now everyone grip your mandrakes good and tight. Once you have all the leaves in your hand, you must firmly pull straight up." As Professor Sprout said this, she pulled a mandrake out of its pot and it let out a terrible scream, that caused most of the class to put their hands to their earmuffs.

"And put it in the larger pot, and add a blanket of dirt, and they'll settle down with some much needed room to grow."

The class watched as Professor Sprout did exactly as she said, and the mandrake settled down. "Alright, class, your turn now." Professor Sprout instructed.

Harry, surrounded by Ron, Hermione, and Neville who did the same, took his mandrake and grasped it like Professor Sprout had said and 3...2...1...pull. All 4 of them yanked up their mandrakes simultaneously, which created a horrible sound, thankfully muffled by the earmuffs. They followed instructions and repotted the mandrakes successfully. After all the mandrakes had been repotted in this manner, class was dismissed.

The Gryffindor Second-Years went to the great hall for lunch, which was filled with rumors about the previous night's events. Then, Transfiguration class.

"Today, we will be turning porcupines into pin cushions." Professor McGonagall instructed.

She taught the incantation, and several students tried the spell. But everyone was clearly distracted, and only doing the spell half heartedly. Their minds were still a buzz with last night's events.

"You're all worried about the Chamber of secrets, aren't you?" She guessed correctly.

"Professor," Hermione asked, "Can you tell us anything about the Chamber?"

McGonagall took a deep breath, and began to tell the story. "Nearly 1000 years ago, this school was founded by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Three of the founders existed quite harmoniously. One did not. Salazar Slytherin wanted to be more selective about the students taught at Hogwarts, believing that magical learning should be kept within all magical families, greatly favoring pure-bloods. Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now, according to legend, Slytherin built a hidden chamber in this castle, known as the Chamber of Secrets. Shortly before departing, he sealed it, only to be opened by his own true heir. Only the Heir of Slytherin could open the chamber and unleash what was inside. This act would purge the school of those that Slytherin deemed unworthy,"

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