Chapter 2

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Sept 1st 1992
After saying goodbye to Remus, Sirius, and Millie at home, Harry got in the Weasleys' Ford Anglia and rode with them to King's Cross station. The inside was magically expanded to fit everyone.

Traffic was absolutely horrible that day, so instead of arriving at 10:45 like they intended, it was 10:55 when they arrived. Harry and the Weasleys ran as quickly as possible to platform 9 3/4. Percy ran through the wall immediately when they arrived, followed by Fred and George. Molly and Arthur ran on next with Ginny. When they were through Harry and Ron ran towards the wall and-SMACK!
They crashed into the platform wall. After getting up and gathering their things, Harry looked at his watch. As he did, the time switched from 10:59 to 11:00.

"Dang it we missed the train!" Harry exclaimed.
"What do we do now?" Ron asked.
"Maybe we should go back and wait by the car. Your parents ought to be back soon." Harry said. But Ron had stopped listening somewhere around 'your parents'.
"The car..." Ron repeated as though he had just had a marvelous idea...

"I can't believe we stole your dad's flying car!" Harry exclaimed as they flew invisibly over Oxford about half an hour later.
"Well it was the quickest way back to Hogwarts!" Ron said.
"I guess we are doing this now." Harry said with a hint of excitement.
"Oh yeah!" Ron exclaimed.

Several hours later the boys arrived at Hogwarts. As they neared the Castle Harry began to scout out a place to land. "Try to get over there by Hagrid's hut!" Harry instructed.

Ron began to guide the car in that direction, but the car began to malfunction. It had never been in the air for so long before. The car began to plummet towards the ground... no not the ground, the Whomping Willow! The two boys grabbed each other, screaming, as they braced for impact. As the car crashed into the tree, both boys ducked. Luckily the tree only smashed the windshield once before just pushing the car out. The car magically landed right side up and the boys were not harmed. Unfortunately, Ron had left his wand on the dashboard, and it was severed about 1/3 of the way down.

"My wand..." Ron stuttered in shock.
"Be grateful it wasn't your neck." Harry said.
The boys exited the car as quickly as possible and ran up to the castle, intending to join the other second years, but were met by Filch instead.

Filch, in an unpleasant mood as usually took the straight to Professor McGonagall's office, and waited with them, until she returned from the sorting ceremony.
"I found these two sneaking in the castle by themselves. Came from over by the Whomping Willow. I thought I saw a car back by the tree." Filch explained.
"Thank you, Argus, you may go. I will deal with these two." McGonagall said.
Filch walked out, looking slightly defeated.

"Harry, care to explain yourself?" She asked. He answered "Aunt Minerva I'm sorry. The barrier to the train closed before we got through. I know it probably wasn't the smartest choice but it was Ron's instinct to take the car and I thought it was a good idea at the time. We panicked." "Is this true, Mr Weasley?" McGonagall asked.
"Yes." Ron replied.
"Were you seen?" McGonagall asked. "No, we had the invisibility booster on the whole time." Ron replied.
"Then you are fortunate," McGonagall explained sternly, "Still I must impress upon you the seriousness of what you have done. Had you been spotted, you could have broken the Statute of Secrecy. Not to mention the danger to yourselves. Ron, I will be writing to your parents about this and Harry, I will be writing to your Uncles. And you will both receive detention. Now, let's go back to the feast, you must be starving."

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