Chapter 10

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Trigger warning-use of slurs

Millie's PoV
Millie slumped herself down on the bus in a seat next to the window. Normally she sat near the middle back with the students from year 6 and year 7, but today she sat in the front, just wanting to be left alone. She struggled the entire ride home to hold back tears. Why were muggles so intolerant and homophobic? She couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts, with other wizards. It became increasingly obvious to Millie over the years that when in the wizarding world, her parents were much more openly affectionate with each other, and without the judgmental stares that came from muggles. The muggle kids at school all knew that her dads were gay, but the homophobic environment made it very hard for her to explore her own ambiguous sexuality. At age ten, she still had plenty of time to figure it out, but people made assumptions, and eventually it all got to her. And kids were especially mean in middle school.

When the bus finally came to her stop, Millie got off, arms crossed, with an obvious resting bitch face, eyes fixed on the ground. Today it was Paddy waiting for her at the bus stop. Seeing as it was February, and bitterly cold, Sirius and Millie opted to just walk around the corner and out of sight of the muggles and apparate rather than walk the rest of the way home. This was wiser than taking the car, as Sirius wasn't great with muggle technology. The minute they made it in the house, the flood gates Millie had been keeping up since the middle of the day broke. She sank into the nearest chair in the living room as the tears began to flow down her face. Remus, who was previously reading by the fire, put his book down immediately, and crossed to the chair that Millie sat in. Sirius came over as well.

Remus and Sirius gave each other a worried look. Millie was a tough, tomboyish girl, and she was slow to anger or get upset by what other said, so they knew that something really bad must have happened to make her feel this way.

"What's wrong honey?" Remus asked.
"It's nothing." Millie said through sobs.
"Millie, you know you can tell us anything." Sirius said.

"Not this." Millie said.

"I promise whatever it is, we won't judge you. We just want to help. But if you don't feel comfortable telling us then you don't have to." Sirius said.

"I... I don't want to make you feel like it's your fault, because it's not, it's stupid muggles." She stumbled out.

"I promise you won't make us feel bad. We are here for you." Remus said.

There was a noticeable pause before Millie spoke again.

"These girls at school have been teasing me all year. At the beginning it was nothing, just some yo' mama jokes or lack there of, then some comments about having two dads and how they thought it was weird, but I let it roll off my back because I know that even though our family isn't conventional, you guys are way cooler than anyone else's parents and love me like any parent loves their kid. But ever since we got back from holiday, it's been much more offensive gay comments. And then I got to gym today and saw that they painted "dyke" across my locker. Then, this bitch Stacy, the leader of the pack said that no one would ever want to be friends with me because I'm a dyke and that makes me sick in the head. And some of my so called friends sided with her and said they never wanted to hang out with me again." Millie explained through her tears, before breaking down into sobs again.

Remus wrapped her in a hug and held her, and said "I'm so sorry Millie. No one deserves to lose friends for being who they are. I understand how much that hurts."

Millie let her head fall into Remus's chest. Sirius put a hand on her shoulder. "For now it's over. It's Friday, so we have the weekend. I'll go make some hot chocolate." Sirius said, knowing that like with Remus, a nice cup of hot chocolate always made their daughter feel better. Sirius came back a few moments later to find Millie and Remus sitting on the floor now. "I wish I could just get away from it all. I wish I could just go to Hogwarts." Millie said brokenly.

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