1: Another ordinary day

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M/N=maids name D/N=dads name BF/N=best friends name. Ok I'm gonna be changing points of view, like how the day basically is for them, if there's a guitar above it it's Arthur and if there's nails it's yours.

"My lady, time to wake up."
"Mmmm, right . . . It's Monday," I said, so that means college.
"Your uniform is on your seat, shall I bring your breakfast or leave it down?"
"Leave it there I'll be down in a minute, (M/N)."


Bang Bang, "Arti wake up or you'll be late," Allistor said.
"Leave me alone." "Well alright I'll just let Peter eat your food." Oh no you don't. He thought. "I'm comin, and late for what?" His oldest brother came in, "For college." He pointed at Arthur's seat with his uniform on it. "Oh shit!"


"So dear, are you excited we're going to our house in London?" Mom said. Our house in London is just a faster way for me to get to college then having to wake up early. "What she should be worried about is college," dad said. "Father it's only been a month." "And a week," he said through toast. "(D/N) she's doing fine and don't eat with your mouth full."
Beep beep.
"That's (BF/N) gotta go."


"Arthur don't just hork it down," Seamus said. "Well if he doesn't he'll be late," Peter said. One last gulp of water . . . "And so will you, Allistor I'm borrowing your motorbike thanks." I started that thing and went off before he went out the door.

🏫at Eton college🏫

The only reason I go to this place is because my father has connections here. Even though he and my mother are dead they still want me and my brothers to get good education, well me and Peter at least, those four blokes graduated.


"So I'll see you tomorrow and we can go shopping," (BF/N) said. "At least wait till I'm settled in," I said. And now off to my favorite class . . . (___).

🍕time skip to lunch🍕

"You know (BF/N) I feel like my time in London will be different this season." "How so?" "I feel like something big is gonna happen, you know something mind-blowing." I took a bite of my sandwich. "Well of course something big, I mean you know us aristocrats come to London in the spring and fall to find high class suitors," (BF/N) said. "Please don't remind me," I said. "My mother and father will already be doing that in the car tomorrow."


Lunch, the only time I can write music, peacefully under an old tree. "So how's the song coming?" "Terribly flying mint bunny, I've only got a few words." "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll have a new song for the band in no time." Hearing that sweet voice always cheers me up. When I got back home: jeans, boots, a shirt that showed off my tattoo a bit, and a leather jacket. "Gig at the pub tonight brother," Dylan said. "Maybe, maybe not." My brother with a welsh accent looked serious. "Be home before midnight."


The drive back home had me thinking. Am I going to find my guy? Will he love me like my father did to my mother when they were younger? Will I like some other ladies be forced to marry? I am 21 so—
"My lady, this black dress or white?" (M/N) asked. "The black one." She put it in. "Well then you are all packed up." "Thank you, (M/N)." I'm all packed, my parents are packed, even (M/N). We ride to London tomorrow morning.

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