17: Captain

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All I can say about that cosplay is, I solute u. And this is a lemon so don't like don't read.

(Y/N)s POV:

It's only been a week since he left and the house has never felt so lonely . . . until now. "(Y/N) (Y/N) he's calling." "Coming, Peter, go get your brothers."
His face popped up on my laptop. "There's my punk devil." "Love not online someone can hear you." "Yeah your family," said. His brothers came in and said hi. "So how's training Arti?" "You've shown me worse," Arthur responded.

⚓️little time skip⚓️

"I have to log off, Captain wants us up early." We all waved goodbye. "I love you all."

⚓️a month later⚓️

"Did you get my letters?" "I'm on the verge of writing a novel that includes your letters," I said. "Will it be better than Shakespeares?" "You'll be the judge of that, goodnight, Arthur." "Goodnight love." I took the laptop and put it to charge.

⚓️a year later⚓️

"Arthur do you know what day it is?" "Well I know it's not my birthday," that day we had Oliver blow out the candles because he looks like him, "or yours, I'm lost love what is it?" "It's the day we first met, when my knight in leather armor saved me from a horrible night and showed me around London." "Oh how could I forget that night, you looked so beautiful in mint green. Actually to save my forgetfulness I've got a surprise for you." He went to the closet and bought out a uniform. "I'm not exactly a knight, more of lieutenant." It was black trousers and a white shirt with a medal. "Baby that's great, you went up." "Don't be mad but I told my brothers first, and Dylan said, 'so should we call you lieutenant Dan now?'" I laughed my legs off. The Forest Gump reference. "Can't wait to see you home in uniform," I said. "Are you turned on?" "What can I say, I love a man in uniform."

⚓️2 years later⚓️

I spend the time with his brothers, sometimes I even pick up Peter, but when I'm at home alone . . . I sit curled up in his chair to see if I can catch his sent. Or in the music room practicing the keyboard or guitar, but I never touch his, unless it looks dirty so I wipe it off. "*sigh* Arthur, I miss you."

Arthur's POV:

A picture of her with the necklace I gave her and the blanket covers her body. "Oh, (Y/N) why did you talk me into taking this picture."
Knock knock. "Lieutenant Kirkland, Captain wants to see you."
"Be right there." I can smell a promotion, being a captain is around the corner.

⚓️because I'm lazy he gotta promotion and a medal⚓️

"The uniform fits like a glove." "Flying mint bunny don't snoop around here, and thanks." "So when are you coming home?" I was hesitant, but I did miss them. "Alright tell them I'll be back in six months but tell them not to tell (Y/N), and don't tell them about this." "Got it." She puffed away.

⚓️I'm home⚓️

At first they were gonna hug me, then they saw my uniform and saluted. "Guys stop you're embarrassing me." "Says Captain eyebrows," Peter said.

(Y/N)s POV:

I was sipping tea on our balcony when I hear "shhh, give me the keys," "Oh she's inside don't worry." That voice. I had brushed my teeth now I just brushed my hair. In my robe I ran downstairs, slowly taking steps down the other one to believe what I was seeing. "Is it really you or an I hallucinating." "No you are not, he left being Mr. eyebrows and came back as Captain eyebrows," Peter said. His look was different, white from top to bottom, the only color was the medals, his shoulders, and the tip of his hat. Arthur stuck his hands out. "Will you just jump into my arms before I start crying." " . . . Yes captain." After two and a half years I was back in his arms, every tear that came down I wiped it off because I didn't wanna get it on his suit. When I looked at him it felt like the first time. "I will never leave you again, (Y/N)." Arthur dried my tears, "I love you so much," he said. "And I love you captain." His kiss had passion and love . . . And tasted a bit like sea water.

⚓️we'll celebrate tomorrow, time for a lemon⚓️

Arthur's POV:

I hung my Captain picture on the wall and sat down. "It's good to be back."
"Yes it is." (Y/N) was at the door in nothing but her robe and white lingerie.
"Care to join me in bed captain?" I got up and walked to her, I whispered in her ear and brought her closer, "as long as you moan my name." In the bedroom I had her robe down and legs around my waist. "What are you gonna do to me, Captain?"

(Y/N)s POV:

He pinned me down and said, "you are mine, no one else can touch you but me." I took his hat off. "Well then go on, I've been waiting for two and a half years." His kisses were fearless, he demanded entrance and I couldn't say no, he was stronger now more than ever. Arthur let go of my hands and then put them on my waist. "I've missed you soo much my love," one of his hands stroked my cheek, "I'd always look at the horizon and wonder what you were doing." If he says one more romantic thing a tear will fall from my cheek. "I love you, (Y/N)(L/N)." "Then prove it," I said. "Make love to me like you never have before." He took off his gloves, "very well, and I don't intend on holding back." He didn't, not on his kisses, or when he gave me a hicky, or down there when he licked me clean. We were ready to make love and it wasn't till he was in that I realized . . . He didn't have a condom on.

"Oh no." "Don't worry, (Y/N), everything will be fine." He whispered sweet things into my ears like 'I would sail the seven seas for you,' romantic things that had to do with the ocean. Until I said "fire the cannon." After so long and just one time, our bodies moved in sync. "It's been so long since, ahh, I've seen you sweat like this." "It's been too long my love," Arthur said. Then he whispered in a husky voice, "I could do this every night if you'd like," then he went in hard and found that place that makes me see stars. "Do that again." "As you wish my love." He went faster and faster I just couldn't keep up . . . When we came the bed was a mess, he dropped on my chest breathing like mad. "*sigh* Well this was—"
"Wait, (Y/N), before you continue I have to ask you something." Arthur got out and looked through his suitcase. "Arthur what's going—"
He came back with a little seashell and got down on one knee. "(Y/N) it took being away from you to realize I love you, then it took a year for me to realize how much I love you, weather you're wealthy or a commoner. What I'm saying is I don't wanna be away from you anymore." He opened the seashell—I turned on the lamp—and I covered my mouth.

"(Y/N)(L/N) will you merry me?" Tears came out of my eyes but I didn't care

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"(Y/N)(L/N) will you merry me?" Tears came out of my eyes but I didn't care. "Yes yes yes! I'll marry you." I gave Arthur my hand to see if it'll fit . . . "It fits." "Oh thank god I was worried the measurements were wrong." He made me drop on the bed and laugh.

🎸in bed🎸

"You say it's specially made what with the pearls and all." "Yes, I'll tell you tomorrow when I ask you to marry me again at the party," Arthur said. I giggled and cuddled up in his arms. "Well just so you know I'm wearing the answer on my left hand."

In honor of Thor: love and thunder I shall post this chapter today but see the movie next week.

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