4: Tea with parents

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🏫at college🏫

(Y/N)s POV:

"Hey, Arthur I have something to ask you." "Go on," he said. "Well . . . My dad saw you drop me off and now my parents wanna meet you this weekend." Nothing.
"I had a feeling you'd act this way, I guess I'll—"
"No no it's alright," he said. "I understand your family wanting to meet the stranger who brought you home that quintessentially goes to your school." "Great, so this Saturday at three," I said. "This Saturday at three."

🏠at home🏠

Arthur's POV:

We used to have family meetings, but after our parents died they stopped, until today.
"I'm doomed," if I was in an anime, I'd have blue lines on the top of my head and my head be blue. "Ah so you do have feelings for her wee brother," Allistor said. "I don't know, I still need more time." "Well how does three days for time sound," Seamus said. "Where's a TARDIS when you need one," Peter said. They were getting on my nerves. "Just be yourself, Arthur," Liam said.
"But look good while doing so." At the entry to our living room Dylan came in with a suit and tie ready. "What's with the monkey suit?" "It's from mum, it was in one of the trunks in the basement," he said. It was a simple suit, black, white, and an olive green tie. "There's a letter," I said.

For the first date or meeting the parents. Good luck sweetie.
Love mummy.

Be myself, and look good while doing so.

🏠Saturday at three🏠

Sure I went on my motorbike—at this point Allistor just said keep it—but I was on time. I knocked on the door and a butler opened it. "Come in sir, I'll lead you to the lounge." "That won't be nessisary, Beaufort, we're already here." A lady and her husband came around the corner, and (Y/N) followed. She was in a spaghetti straps, off the shoulders (___) dress, with lace. "Arthur I'm glad you made it, these are my parents," she said. "It's wonderful to meet the young man who brought our daughter home safely," her mother said, "Isn't it, (D/N)?" ". . . Yes, does a last name follow your name?" Already I can tell the mother likes me but daddy is suspicious. "Arthur Kirkland sir." "Hmmm . . ." "Well let's not dally, come the tea will get cold," (Y/N)s mom said.

(Y/N)s POV:

"You look beautiful." Right in front of my parents, I hope I was wasn't blushing, maybe the makeup hid it. "Thank you, Arthur, and you look more handsome then our old guest," I said. We had tea, scones, and biscuits under the gazebo in the backyard. "So, Arthur tell us about yourself," my mother said. He scratched the back of his head. "Well um, besides going to the same college with your daughter, I work at a bakery with a friend." "Really," I said. "Then you must have a lot of these scones out and fresh from the oven," mom said. "Yes, problem is that wanker won't let me in the back." He realized what he said and dropped the scone. "I am so sorry." "No no it's alright," Mom said. "Why won't he let you in the back?" I ask. "Because both he and my brothers say I cannot cook." "You have brothers?" My dad asked. "Yes . . . Five of them, four older ones and a little one. We do the best we can in that small house." "So a flat," I said. "No a two floor house that looks cramped like all the others down the streets." My mom giggled, and she doesn't giggle. "So, Arthur do you have the top floor or—"
"What happened to your parents, Arthur?" my dad asked. "You haven't talked about them." I couldn't even pick up a biscuit.

"Car accident years back, my younger brother, Peter was only five so he has a vague memory of that day. Our house became a mess, and one day we all cried together thinking we had nothing left . . . When really we had each other."
I didn't care if they looked, I took his hand, "I'm glad you're ok," I said.

☕️time skip☕️

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Arthur," mom said. "The pleasure is all mine lady (L/N)." "Why don't you come back next Sunday, we're having a party and I'm sure (Y/N) would be comfortable with someone besides (BF/N) here," dad said.

Arthur's POV:

Let's see, next Sunday, no gig. "I'd love to come," I said. But Saturday . . . Hmmm . . . "Sir with your permission, I'd like for (Y/N) to come meet my family next Saturday, and knowing my brothers she might be out long," I said. Her father was quiet. "She'll come back the same way she left, she won't get hurt, you have my word," I said. I meant everything and he knew it, he stuck his hand out to shake. "Just don't be gone too late, remember we have a party Sunday."
(Y/N) walked me to my motorbike. "Ok what's up? What's going on?" She asked. "Just be ready before noon." I put my helmet on and rode off leaving her just like I did the night I brought her home.

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