Featuring the last song of the fanfic, Something by The Beatles.
3rd person POV:
Ever since (Y/N) and Arthur's honeymoon things have changed. Victoria and Oliver are dating and she works for him.
"Oliver, I need more—" he came out with fresh cupcakes. "You called poppet." "I love that sparkle in your eyes," she said.
Dylan has a privet dance instructor. "That's it just follow the rhythm, one two three, one two three, onewoh." "You've fallen on top of me more then there's a rhythm, Audrey." "Well then let's just call it a day," she said, "besides I don't know why you bought me this dance studio if you won't try." She picked up her bag then he grabbed her arm. "How about I tell you at dinner," Dylan said. Audrey gave him a kiss. "Love to."
Seamus and Sera have a shop—with a flat upstairs—that sells records, from classical to Rock to modern, the question is who has a record player. "You know I love that the walls have posters, but I feel like something is missing," Seamus said. Sera looked around touching her lucky guitar pick. "I've got it . . . guitars, like how they looked through the decades, maybe even signed ones." "That's why you rock my world."
Liam and Jennifer went to Northern Ireland to find their roots—mostly Liam but he asked for Jennifer's company. "It's soo peaceful out here," Jennifer said. "Yeah, you know ma mum and dad first met outside," Liam said. "I'll tell you the story on the way back to the cabin."
As for Allistor and Amy . . . It was Braveheart and Outlander combined. A house on the countryside—a five minute walk to town—with a horse stall for two horses. "Psss, wake up lassie." "Mmmm in a minute," Amy said. "Ok . . . But last one home makes breakfast." That got her up, you do not challenge a Cubana raised on a farm to a horse race. In the end it was a draw. "Well I'll go put the horses back, you start frying eggs," Allistor said. "Ok, but don't just sit and watch me make breakfast like last time," Amy said.(Y/N)s POV:
Arthur and I had some amazing news for each other. "Alright my handsome magician, you go first." What did he have behind him. "I got accepted into Oxford." "Oh my god, Arthur that's amazing." He said he was torn between political or medical but he'll know when he arrives. "Oxford is just a few miles from here love," he took my hands, "I won't be far away from you ever again. So what did you have to tell me?" Well here goes. I got up and from behind my back I pulled out a pregnancy test. "It's positive," I said. Arthur had no words, he just got on his knees and put his head near my stomach. "I love you and what you're making in here, I promise when I'm done with class I'll come right back to you two." There were tears of joy down there.
🎸time skip, if it's a blue heart it's the boy if it's purple it's the girl🎸
It wasn't exactly one baby—making it us two—it was two. A boy and a girl, (___) Furgus Kirkland and (___) Britannia Kirkland. Our boy had his fathers hair and the girl had mine, the only things they had similar were the green eyes and eyebrows—Peters eyebrows half bushy half normal. When we told everyone they left what they were doing and came to celebrate, even when I went into labor they stopped what they were doing and came to the hospital to see the children. I was at (BF/N)s house when it happened, I called my mom and Arthur, and Arthur came on his motorbike, he said it's faster then the car. Now here we are five years later, you come in and the first thing you see is our family picture on the wall—Arthur in his Captain suit, (💙) in a sailors suit, and me and (💜) in a mermaid style dress. I walk and pick them up from the school buss everyday. "Bye, (💜) (💙)." "Bye mom," they said.
I get home and I hear music. I slowly walk up the stairs and into the music room.
Arthur's POV:
"I haven't heard that song since we were young." I turned to the door. "Didn't hear you come in love." "Pfhh, you never did when you were in here," she said. That smile on her face, it hasn't changed since she saw me preform. "You've still got it, Arthur," (Y/N) said. "Oh really." I started playing a little faster then I just stop. "Hahaha." I love hearing her laugh, then she clapped and said. "Play me something." "Hmmm . . . " I looked around the room for ideas. "Sit down on the stool love, I've got it." She did and I turned down the amplifier a bit.
"Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover,
Something in the way she woos me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how."She started swaying side to side.
"Somewhere in her smile she knows
That I don't need no other lover."
She blushed.
"Something in her style that shows me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how.""You're asking me will my love grow
I don't know, I don't know
You stick around, now it may show
I don't know, I don't know.""Something in the way she knows
And all I have to do is think of her,
Something in the things she shows me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how."A little guitar solo, and done. "Yayyy." (Y/N) clapped her hands like the first time she was at one of my shows. "Paul may be 80 years old but you still sound better then he even has," she said. "Well he's one of my inspirations," I put the guitar back, "and so are you."
(Y/N)s POV:
Our lips together made music. "When's the last time we made out on this sofa?" I asked. He picked me up and sat me on his lap. "Never love." I started taking off his tie. "You're not working today are you." Arthur took it off. "Only in my study's." I let my hair loose. "Perfect."
3rd person POV:
As the not-so punk now devil and his angel had a moment, the fairies went trough their stuff looking for something they had in common. Then they came upon the same book and put both on top of their bed. They turned both to the last page and put a rose there to hold the books open, along with a happy anniversary letter.
'For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo.'
It's finished—and yes I did end it quoting Shakespeare—I hope you enjoyed it, sadly don't expect a sequel. Although I have a fanfic published and working on that has to do with one of Arthur's brothers, and I'm writing it because I'm excited for the Game of Thrones prequel. So if you like dragons . . . Give it a read.

I'm in love with a punk (hetalia axis power England x reader)
Fanfiction(Y/N) is a high class lady with many suitors in coming, especially one named Francis. Arthur is a punk who preforms at the same pub every weekend. One night (Y/N) was devastated because Francis didn't show up, as she walked home who better to show u...