20: A Magical Honeymoon

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Featuring this lovely dress:

How about we move the bodice up so not all cleavage is exposed

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How about we move the bodice up so not all cleavage is exposed.

(Y/N)s POV:

"Arthur why are we at home? Why'd you tell the limo driver to leave?" He was quiet then he turned to me. "You trust me right." "Arthur I trust you with my life." I mean I said that in my vows man. He took my hand. "Then follow me." He took me to the basement and now I understand his love for magic. Strange liquids and powders on the shelves, spell books, and in one area a green cloak. "Y-your a magician." This explains why I hear a noise down here, I ask if he's ok, and he just says 'I'm alright love.' "It runs in the family, now I wanna show you something better." He stuck his left hand out, chanted a spell, and the bookshelf moved aside. There was a door. "Arthur my heart is beating like crazy, where does that lead to?"

He just lead me to the door and grabbed the doorknob. "To the realm of magic," he said. When he opened it the light was so bright I covered my eyes, but when it dimmed . . . It was beautiful.
Flowers of all colors, large mushrooms that looked like houses, there were even treehouses hanging from trees. "What is this place?" "Well this is specifically the land of the fairy's." That's not Arthur's voice. I turned around and there was something flying next to Arthur. "Hi there, I'm Flying Mint Bunny." I shook his little paw. "Arthur never stopped talking about you, he said it was a dream come true when you agreed to marry him." "Oh really," I said. Arthur just stood there embarrassed. "Come here you bunny." He was so fluffy. We started walking and then . . . "Hey you're forgetting something." Another high pitch voice, but it was quiet. Out of the bushes came six fairies with my angel and devil necklace.

"Oh my god, I knew something was missing I just knew." Arthur took it from them, "thank you ladies," and came over. Flying Mint Bunny flew off and Arthur put the necklace around my neck. "There perfect." Arthur was leaning in for a kiss until. "Hey, need a ride?" Out of the tree's came a unicorn, pink and lite blue hair with purple eyes. "Oh hey, Uni, (Y/N) come over here." We go to pet the unicorn and she's just like a horse . . . Except for the horn on her head. "So this is the bride," Uni says, "well I'll give you both a free ride to the lake." "Actually, Uni just her." The next thing I knew Arthur lifted me and put me on the unicorn.
"A-Arthur." "Don't worry you're used to this, come on Uni." I cannot remember the last time I rode side-saddle.

🎸at the lake🎸

Arthur held my hand the whole way, and at least I had company from fairies and Flying Mint Bunny. The lake has a waterfall in the distance and a gazebo in the center. "Would you like to go?" "How are we gonna get across?" I asked. The blue fairy got in my face. "Allow me m'lady." She touched my feet and then said, "Go on." "(Y/N) the blue fairy controls water, now for a while you'll be able to walk on water." ". . . Hold my hand for a second." I took my first step, and the floor under me seemed to glow. I let go and went to the gazebo.

Arthur's POV:

I saw her skip to the gazebo. "Alright my turn." When I arrived she was just spinning around. "I think this place could use some music." On the side of the gazebo where instruments, with a flip of my wrist they started playing music. "Shall we?" I had my hand out, She curtsied and took it. We danced there till the sun set from the hill. "We should head back," I said. We ran back over the water, hand in hand.

(Y/N)s POV:

"*sigh* Alright Arthur what's—"

I turned around and he had changed his outfit

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I turned around and he had changed his outfit. "Close your eyes, (Y/N)." I did and I had my hands out, I could feel the dress changing, the sandals becoming slippers, some things on my hands, and my hair went down with pins on the side. "Open your eyes." I did, what I had on my hands was beautiful, looking down almost all my chest was exposed, but when I saw the dress in the water . . . "Arthur . . . This's the most beautiful then I've ever warn in my life." I wasn't sure about the color, but the gold made it worth it. I was admiring myself too much I forgot about Arthur. "Oh right, you look amazing, Arthur." "Oh this, just something I took inspiration from to make your dress, I'm not much of a designer but I did my best."

I brought him in for a kiss. "It's perfect Arthur, and absolutely beautiful." And I still saw my ring and necklace. "So now what?" "Now you are gonna get on top of Uni and we will ride to our cottage where we will spend our honeymoon."
" . . . You're not joking are you." "No our luggage is already there," he said. "*sigh* Well help me up," I said. Once again I rode side-saddle with my dress held up a bit, while he held my hand. Only this time there were more fairies, they were like fireflies only in different colors. Arthur's other magical friends came to congratulate us while we were on our way, honestly I felt like the queen on her parade.

🎸we have arrived🎸

Arthur helped me down. It was a nice little cottage, it had a chimney and felt cozy. "This is nice, now where's the bedroom?" Arthur came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "I'd be happy to show you my love."

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