Chapter 2

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Where am I? The first thought that comes to mind, when I wake up. I do not even dare to open my eyes. I remember drinking more than I should've, and slowly loosing sight of common sense, but that's about it. My head aches and every noise hurts. Fuck, I must've drank a lot. I haven't had a hangover this bad since my eighteenth birthday. What is that horrible noise? Are those voices? Those people really need to shut up.

Wait, who are they? For that matter, Where am I? I open my eyes and regret doing so, because the light makes me feel as if my eyes may implode. 

"ITS ALIIIVEEEE!" says the Aussie whom I've missed so much, throwing his hands in the air dramatically. 

"Ash?" I croak out, ignoring his horrible joke. 

Ash and I went to high school together. We were best friends until he graduated and went on tour with his band, 5SOS. I still had a couple years of school left. While my family moved to California and I finished my studies, he traveled the world. We slowly lost the bond we once shared.

 I don't remember any events that occurred last night. So, I'm not exactly sure how I got onto his band's tour bus, or how I even knew where to find it. I'm also unsure as to why I decided it was a good idea as we haven't spoken at all in months.

"Can someone get her a glass of water and a load of aspirin?" he says. 

I groan again because everyone is too loud and everything hurts. I roll over to block it out and am met with the realization that I am surrounded by the horrible smell of puke. 

"Fuck," I say falling off the couch in attempt to get away from  the pungent smell. Ash giggles. 

"Shut the fuck up," I groan, attempting to get comfortable in the floor. I feel him move to sit beside me, and a moment later I feel the need to rush to a toilet. I stand and the world spins as I stumble to the door to find the bus bathroom. I fail falling over, and proceeding to puke all over the floor. 

"Shit, Zo. How much did you drink?" Ash says. I only manage to groan more, and feel tears welling up. How much did I drink?

Ashton helps me to the couch as the door slides open, revealing three tired boys, one of which holds a huge cup of water and a bottle of Advil. I stretch my arms out, grabbing at the items, longing for relief from this pain. 

All the boys laugh as one of them, Michael I believe, hands me the water and two pills. I hurry to swallow four -no five- of them and proceed to down the whole cup of water. After this, I'm immediately met with a new wave of nausea. 

"Ash.." I warn, and in a flash he's up  to get a bucket, and returns with a small waste bin. Just in time too, because I grab a hold of it and throw up in one motion. I hear the boys try to suppress their disgust. After a few moments of awkward silence I try to speak up. 

"I'm so sorry," is all I can manage to get out. 

"It's fine Zoe, but what were you thinking? Drinking that much, especially if you were alone?  How did you manage to find the bus? How did you get here? Why are you here? What got into you last night?" Ashton says, I hear a slight bit of anger in his tone. I don't dare tell him alcohol was most likely not the only substance I consumed.  

The other boys sense Ash's anger, and they all mumble some excuse to exit the the room, leaving Ash and I alone. The second the door closes I feel the tears begin to stream down my face. 

"Zoe? Zo, it's fine don't feel bad. Sorry I got mad. I'm just worried about you. I_" Ash starts but is interrupted by me finding more liquid to get out of my system, and Ash rubs my back as I do so. 

"I'm so sorry Ash." I say again, my head still in the bin. "I don't even know how I ended up here."  

"Why? Why are you sorry? You have no reason to be." He says. 

"I have no clue how I got here. I have no clue why I decided to come here. I was drunk, and I was being stupid. Obviously we aren't close anymore, you and I both know that. I don't know what made me think I could come here and we'd be friends again. I'm sorry for coming here, and puking all over the place and I'm sorry for thinking a superstar had time for my mess_" 

"Stop" Ash says. 

"What?" I say looking up at him. 

"Stop apologizing for this. It's what friends are for. I don't care that our whole bus smells like alcoholic puke. I just want to know why."

"Why what?"

"Why you though it was fucking okay to drink until you blacked out!" he yells. 

"Well for starters my parents kicked me out." I say. 

"What?" Ash says, shocked. 

"Yup. I mean, I saw it coming, but it still hurt. I really have no where to go now." I say. 


"Why do you think Ash? I dropped out of Uni, and then continued to leave for days at at a time, only to come home and sit in the basement like a fucking slob with no intention of leading a successful life. I'm not sure where along the line all that became part of my life plan. I want to travel, see the world, lead my own life. I don't want to be their perfect little lawyer, or doctor or whatever the fuck will earn me a good pay. That not me and you know it! After fighting with me every night for a month they decided enough as enough, kicked me out and declared that until I get my shit together, I'm no longer their daughter." I say. 

"Oh." he says, at a loss for words. 

After four years apart, we had a lot to talk about. The conversation continued with us catching up. How after he left, things got really bad for me at home. I felt so alone and wanted to break free like he had. Ashton has really hit it big, and I have crashed and burned. I didn't even mention Ben. 

"God, Zo I'm so sorry. I didn't know it's been that bad for you." he says. 

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I'm the one driving my life into the ground." I say, looking down at my hands, trying my hardest to avoid eye contact. 

"Don't say that." Ash says. 

"It's true." I say. 

"Not it isn't. Your parents just held you back, and now you're a little screwed over, thats all. Now what do you say you get cleaned up, and the boys and I will grab you some breakfast." Ash says. 

"Okay." I say. 

"Okay. Go hit the shower. I'll explain to security the situation and get you some clothes." Ash says. I can hear the pity in his voice, and it makes me feel worse. 

"Alright. Thanks Ash." I say. 

"No problem. We are friends after all." he says smiling and standing to leave. I smile back. 

A/N: Ayeeeee! Another chapter? Woah. Hopefully your getting a feel for the story now. I know Ash was the only 5SOS member really in this chapter, but the other boys are will play bigger parts in the future, I promise :) But what will happen next? Who knows? (I know) Please give me all the feedback you want! I appreciate it. Did you enjoy it? What do you think so far? What do you think will happen next? 

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Much love, 

~Dottie Xx

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