Chapter 8

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Okay, so maybe I found Zoe a little bit attractive. What could I say? She is cute, and has this long wavy brown hair, that looks gold in the sun. And makes funny remarks under her breath, that she thinks no one hears, but they are hilarious. Not to mention the fact her laugh is adorable. It's not a cute little giggle, it's a full on snorting laugh and everything, but she still manages to make it sound cute. And her smile is amazing, but she doesn't smile that much.

I've been trying to talk to her, get to know her a bit. But, she is so closed off from everyone. The second we begin to carry a conversation and get along, she'll pause for a moment before making an excuse as to why she can't talk anymore. The rock star swagger I've perfected with girls over the past few years is no where to be found around her and her reluctance makes it even harder. Not that I'd be able to get with her anyway. I'm here for a job, Nate wouldn't stand for anyone staying here for business to be in a relationship with his cousin. 

I guess the guys may have caught onto the fact I'm into this girl, and they know I'm not the best when it comes to girls. So, they made me go tell her that we had ordered the pizza, and it would be here in a few minutes.

 I walk up to the door of the recording house, and heard the muffled noise of a piano. Zoe can play? I open the door quietly and the piano becomes louder. Wow, she is really good. Nate hadn't mentioned her musical talent before, had he? I walked down a hall to the room the piano was in, the door was open and sure enough, there Zoe sits. She seems to be in a trance as she plays. Its flawless, her fingers moved across the keys so quickly, it's almost as if they are floating, and you can tell she is well practiced because the song came so naturally to her. But suddenly, she falters, one sharp key hangs in the air alone. 

I almost say something, but see her shoulders shaking. Is she crying? I hear a slight sob escape her mouth and I know she is crying. I decide to comfort her. Although I'm very awkward in these situations, I can't just walk away and leave her to cry alone. So, I sit beside her on the bench and wrap my arms around her. Soon, she has turned to face me and her head is buried in my chest.

It feels nice to have her close to me, and her hair smells nice. God Luke, the girl is having a mental breakdown, no is not the time to be pondering her lavender scented locks. I just rub her back and whisper "It's okay" over and over.

"I miss him. I miss him so goddamn much." is all she says, leaving me a bit pissed off at the idiot who hurt her and wondering who could've left such a wonderful person behind. 

A/N: A little Luke for you all. How do you like a new point of view? Who knew Luke was into her until now? Me! That's who. Anyway let me know how you like this all so far! Also I changed Nat's name to Zoe, cause I wanted to and Nate's name is too similar.

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~ Dottie Xx

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