Chapter 4

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My alarm clock beeps on the nightstand beside me, causing me to cringe, groan and hit snooze. Yesterday was amazing. I actually had a good time with Cal, Ash, Luke and Michael. I got a taste of the good life and we went to a nice dinner, and even rode in a limousine. But now I'm being forced back into reality, back to the life I wish so desperately to change. But a change won't come overnight. There is no miracles granted to people like me in reality. Nothing that would magically make my life a life I actually want. So, I have to change it myself. 

After sorting a few things yesterday, I managed to convince my cousin, Nathan to let me stay with him in his house until I can support myself. At this point I can't. Not with no job and no idea what to do next. 

I force myself out of my rock hard motel bed and get ready for the day. After this, I pack up my few things in a suitcase and call an Uber to give me a lift cousin's home. 


When the car pulls up to a gated house, my jaw drops. Nathan lives here? When he said he had found success in the music industry I didn't know he was this successful. This is definitely better than a crappy motel. 

"Well, this is your stop." the driver says, confused and annoyed because we've been sitting here for a good minute in silence. I get out of the car, grabbing my purse and suitcase on the way. I step onto the sidewalk, and the car speeds away. Someone's in a hurry. 

I hit a button on a speaker to see if that opens the gate. A voice startles me.

"Hello, Nathan Fielding residence. Who am I speaking to?" Nathan's voice says, coming out robotic through the intercom system. 

"Nate, It's me.. erm, Zoe?" I say, awkwardly. 

"Zo! Long time no see, I'll ring you in. We're in the recording house that is down the path splitting off to the right from the driveway." He says, there's a buzzing noise, a click and the gates open automatically. 

"Woah," is all I get out. 

I pull my suitcase down the driveway and the cemented path that seems to be what Nathan was explaining. A recording house? Nate has really hit a jackpot! I wonder how many instruments he has. Will I meet anyone famous? Thoughts circulate my head, as I turn a corner and see a smaller house (in comparison to Nate's massive home beside me.) As I reach the door, I not sure what to do. Do I knock, or just go in? Are they recording? I decide to knock. I wait a few seconds before the door opens to reveal .. Calum Hood?

"Calum?" I say confused. 

"Surprise!" Cal says pulling me into a hug. "it's been so long! What has it been now? Less than twenty-four hours?" Cal says, pulling away from the hug and smiling down at me. 

"What are you doing here?" I say still confused. 

"We're here to record! Well, were still in the writing process now, but it's getting there." He says. Wait we?

Just then, four more heads appear from around the corner. Ash, Luke, Micheal and .. Nate!

"Nate!" I almost yell, rushing over and hugging him tightly.

"Zoe! It's been so long!" he says, then whispers in my ear. "How have you been with the whole getting thrown out thing?" 

"Fine" I say,  pulling away before I have time to get upset. 

"So, I know you've been hanging with the guys yesterday, and funny thing they are recording here for a bit! So you'll get to see them even more!" Nathan says, excited. 

"Yeah, just don't get in the way of our song making," Ash says jokingly. 

After this, Nathan gives us a tour of the place. The recording house is amazing. Although it's seems small from the outside, it's quite spectacular on the inside. There's a nice hang out area and a small kitchen, and even a bedroom, but the best part is the actual recording studio. The technology is way advanced and there are loads of instruments. Everything looks shiny, and new, yet comfortable. 

The actual house is a whole other story. We start of on the first floor, which has a kitchen, living room, dinning room, movie theater, and game room, then we go up the stairs to where the bedrooms are. There are five bedrooms on this floor, each with their own bathroom, and nice sized closet. 

"You'll be upstairs Zo, if that's alright." Nathan says, leading us all to the next set of stairs. 

I'm in enough shock that when we reach the next floor, I think I may faint. I get a room with couches and a television, along with an amazing bathroom, walk in closet, and a beautiful bedroom, but the best part is the balcony, overlooking downtown LA. 

I'm in this amazing house with my cousin and a band of really amazing guys. I can't help but smile. 

Maybe miracles can happen. 

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