Chapter 7

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"No." the only word I had said for the past hour. At the moment I was refusing to attend, let alone play at yet another stupid recital. As much as I enjoyed playing the piano, especially with my brother, I hated my parents more, and was in a phase where I refused to do anything they wanted me to do. Looking back, my immaturity kills me. 

"Zoe Grace, You have 10 seconds to get out here or else_" my mother starts.

"Or else what? There's really nothing more you can take away from me!" I said, but I was wrong.

"Fine, stay here. Go ahead and waste your talent by sitting there like an idiot! You are such a disgrace." I hear her yell, then I listen to the noise of her high heels clicking on the floor slowly fade as she walks away. Then, three consecutive knocks a pause and two more knocks, Ben. I rush and open the door, Ben sneaks in and I re-shut the door and lock it.

"Zoe, please just come out already. We are going to be late!" my mother pleaded from the other side of the door. I did not respond.

"There will be consequences for this," my father's voice warned.

"I don't care," I said, "Just go already."

"We have been standing her for over fifteen minutes. Darling, this is your last chance." my mother said. I did not respond. Their footsteps trailed away from room and down the stairs. Soon, there was a knock at my door.

"Zo?" Ben's voice says from outside my room. "We are heading out. Are you sure you don't want to come?"

"I'm sure. I can't do this anymore. They just don't get it. " I say burying my head in my hands.

"I know Zo. One day they'll get it."

"When? It seems like that day will never come."

"When you become the star I know you are meant to be."

"You're funny," I say, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I've heard you singing your own music, Zoe. The second the world hears it, shit Zo, they won't stop listening."

"What about you?" I say, opening the door a crack.

"Me?" he says, opening the door enough to pull me into a hug. "I'll be right beside you, watching my sister take the world by storm." he says, kissing the top of my head, before turning and heading down the stairs.

"Love you, Ben."

"Love you too, Zo."

I didn't know that would be the last time I saw him, or heard his voice and yet those last few words echoed through my head continuously even before I got the call telling me my family had been in a car accident.


I had stopped playing, but didn't even notice until the memory finished circulating. I felt the tears slide down my cheeks and watched them drop onto the ivory keys. I felt someone sit beside me on the bench, an arm wrapped around me, and hugged me tight. I looked over to see Luke, not even looking at me, just staring down at the piano keys, wet with my tears. I then began to really cry. It all came out in sobs and I buried my face into Luke's shirt. He readjusted his arms and how he sat so he could wrap both arms around me. I didn't pay much attention to Luke though. I was thinking of Ben and how he was gone. And how he could've done so many great things. And most of all how I missed him. Luke, who had no clue why I was crying simply held me and whispered "it's okay" into my ear in a calming low voice.

"I miss him. I miss him so goddamn much." I say, almost choking on my tears. 

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~Dottie Xx

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