Chapter 11

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I'm sitting in the recording studio again. This time it's just me and the band. No Nate. He had some business trip this weekend. It's been around three weeks of me living with Nate, and two since I blew up at Luke. I haven't spoken a word to him since then. Looking back, I feel bad for being so mean. He was only trying to be nice, but he shouldn't be sticking his nose in my business. I've gotten closer with the other guys and really reconnected with Ashton, but Luke and I have just been avoiding each other. 

We ordered pizza and broke out some beers. We are laughing as I tell the story about when Ashton and I decided to have a sleepover in my treehouse, and Ash broke his arm from falling out of the treehouse trying to run away from a huge spider.

"You were always so scared of spiders. I bet you still are!" I say giggling. 

"In my defense, I was young and that spider was huge! And I was what? Ten?" he says. 

"I'm pretty sure you'd have the same reaction now. You're such a wimp when it comes to insects and stuff like that." I say, still laughing. 

"Am not!" he says, and I respond by giving him a knowing look. "Okay, maybe I am." 

"You finally admit it!" I yell, way too excited over this small victory. 

"If you think I'm scared, you should see Luke when he sees a spider. He completely flips his shit. I'm pretty sure he's actually cri- " he laughs,  before Luke cuts him off. 

"For the last time, I've never cried because of spider!" Luke says, a bit angry. 

"Oh, looks to me like Luke need to relax a bit. I know what will help you," Mikey says, reentering the room, "Some of this!" he says, pulling out a huge bottle of vodka from behind his back. 

"Mmm gimme' some of that now, Mikey." I say, reaching for a shot glass, desperate to get more alcohol in my system. These past weeks have allowed for me to escape my home, but I still find myself constantly thinking about all the problems I'm facing. Not to mention, thoughts of Ben are popping up more after the piano incident. 

"Uh, Zo? How about we try to limit you a little this time? We don't want a repeat of the tour bus, do we?" Ash says, obviously concerned. 

I ignore his concern and wave him off, "I'll be fine. I'm usually a much more responsible drinker," I say, lying through my teeth, as Mikey passes me a shot glass and I down it without a second though, ignoring the upset look on Ashton's face. The familiar burn of the beverage calms me. I reach my glass out for more. Okay, so maybe I'm not a responsible drinker. but, who gives a fuck?


Ashton went to bed early. Drinking has never really been his thing, but I think it hurts him to see Zoe drink so recklessly. He was fidgeting uncomfortably the whole time he was sitting down here. Eventually, I told him to go to bed. He knows I'm not a huge drinker myself and left me to watch over the three drunks, who are just sitting in a circle talking about which member of One Direction is the hottest. 

"100% Harry," Mikey says, hiccuping a bit. Calum nods his head vigorously in agreement. 

"Nooooo. It's Niall." Zoe says, frowning. 

"Nope, Harry." Calum says. 

"Niallllllll, he's so beautiful." Zoe says, smiling up at the ceiling as if Niall was sitting up there, waving down at her. 

"But Harry has the best... hair," Mikey says, laughing as if he made the funniest joke. "Get it? Harry has the best_" 

"NO! Niall has got the blonddde" Zoe says, reaching for Calum's hair. 

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