CHAPTER 2 : lost cause

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Derek woke up panting and sweating, he was completely disoriented, he looked around and recognized the familiar setting of his trailer. Flashes of his dream came back to his mind and he let out a sigh. It was the third time this week that he woke up in the middle of the night, feeling like a teenager going through puberty because of very inappropriate dreams he was having about Meredith Grey.

He got out of his bed and took a glass of water. The shame he was feeling was out of this world, this was okay when he was 13 years old, not now. He needed a cold shower, desperately. Derek tried to get the blonde-haired surgeon out of his head but it was a lost cause. He sighed again and got out of the shower, his phone lit up and he saw that it was 4AM, going to the hospital would be the only help right now. He slowly got dressed and drove, the sun wouldn't be up for a few hours but the neurosurgeon liked how peaceful Seattle was at night.

He parked his Porsche on the parking and quickly got inside. He figured he would work on his paperwork and do consults if needed. On his way to his office, he did not meet a soul except a few night nurses at the nurse station. Derek sat at his desk and rubbed his eyes; he was exhausted but he could not take another one of these embarrassing dreams. Not that he did not actually enjoy them.

He had been working on his paperwork for two hours when he heard a knock on the door.
"Come in"
To his surprise, the center of his dreams entered his office, her blonde hair was cascading on her shoulders and the rising sun made it look golden. He wondered what it would feel like to run his fingers through her golden tresses.  He snapped back to reality when she started talking.
"I'm sorry to interrupt your work but I heard you were here and I really need you for a consult"
Derek just blinked and followed her to the patient. The whole time he couldn't take his eyes off of her. He did not know what that was about, he hadn't looked at a woman like that in ages, even at Addison. Flashbacks of the dream he had only a few hours ago kept appearing on his mind, he was starting to feel really uncomfortable.

Meredith led Derek to a CT room, she wanted to show him some scans of a patient of hers.
Derek forgot all of his inappropriate thoughts as soon as he entered the room.

"Wow... That is a massive spinal tumor" He let out, wide-eyed
"Yeah, I don't know if it's operable" she sighed "Nelson said it wasn't, but I wanted your opinion since you're the best"

Derek smiled, she thought he was the best, that made him strangely happy.

"It certainly would be a very long and hard surgery but I don't think it's inoperable" he told her
"That's what I thought"
"I know you are not into neuro anymore but do you want to help with it?"

Derek had said this impulsively and spontaneously, he didn't know if it was loneliness or just something about Meredith Grey, he just wanted to spend time with her. Meredith stared at him for a few seconds and finally replied "I mean I don't know if I would really be any help but sure! I'd love to try". She had a big smile on her face.

Meredith was happy to do a neuro case, she loved general but she couldn't pretend she didn't miss neuro from time to time.
Derek was still concentrated on the scan, "I don't have anything scheduled today that can't be rescheduled to later" he said
"Me neither" the blonde replied "We can work on it all day and maybe come up with a surgical plan by the end of the day"
"With a tumor like that, it's very ambitious but we can try"

They had been working on the tumor for hours but they weren't getting anywhere. Meredith's head felt like it was about to explode and she was starting to get really frustrated.
"I need some air and something to eat" she broke the silence "You should take a break too"
Derek didn't even look up from the scan he was studying and mumbled something she didn't understand. She sighed and got out of the room before going insane.

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