CHAPTER 3 : golden

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Meredith looked at her reflection one last time and she loved what she saw. She was going at a gala tonight and finally seeing her friend Amelia again. She had put on a long strapless pale-yellow dress and let her blonde curls fall on her shoulders. She couldn't believe she had never connected the dots between Amelia Shepherd and Derek Shepherd.

She grabbed her purse and finally left her house. The gala was set in a very fancy restaurant of Seattle that was booked specially for the event. It would be full of smart doctors and rich people but all Meredith looked forward to was raising money for charities, drinking and of course seeing Amelia.

"Meredith!!! Finally, I thought you would never make it"
Meredith turned around at the sound of the familiar voice and before she could say anything she was pulled in a tight hug by her friend. She was wearing a short simple black dress and red lipstick, simple but stunning.

"Wow, you look great!!" Meredith finally said
"Thank you, I know, so do you" the brunette replied "God, it's been ages, the last time we saw each other was at that conference in LA on nerve regeneration"
"I think you're right, that was at least a year ago. By the way, you didn't tell me I was working with your brother"
"Well, you weren't a year ago" she joked "and I figured you would realize by yourself, you're a doctor it shouldn't be that hard to realize both our last names are Shepherd"
"I didn't, he had to tell me"
"So, you and my brother..."
"What??? No, we are colleagues"
"Mhm, whatever he's an idiot who's not returning any of my calls, he's an idiot who got divorced and is not returning any of my calls, so I figured I'd come to this gala and corner him in Seattle, he can't escape me now" Amelia declared looking amused but also upset.
"Wait, divorced?" Meredith couldn't help it but she was really curious and she knew Amelia was the chattiest person ever.
"Yeah, he got divorced a year ago and immediately moved here after. He barely called any of us since. I had to make sure he was alive and well but seeing you talk about him I now know he's in good hands" she grinned suggestively.
Meredith rolled her eyes but laughed "Oh will you shut up about this already"

Meredith had spent the entire evening catching up with Amelia when her pager went off.
"Oh. I'm afraid I have to go, hospital's paging me 911" she told her friend
"Please take me with you, this gala is so boring" the neurosurgeon begged her.
"Fine, but no inappropriate comments within the walls of the hospital" Meredith warned
"You know I can't promise that" Amelia winked at her and they quickly left the restaurant and called a cab.

Derek rushed to the ER; he was paged for the victims of a house fire. Apparently, the fire was put out by the firefighters of Station 19 but it still had time to seriously injure 10 people. He arrived in the ER and got to the first patient that needed his help, only a few needed a neuro consult, plastics was the most demanded service tonight.

The neurosurgeon saw all the patients that needed a consult and none of them needed surgery. He was about to leave the ER when someone drew his attention. Meredith Grey. She was in the ER wearing a trauma gown over a beautiful yellow dress. She was stunning, Derek couldn't take his eyes off of her until he realized that his sister was right behind her. He suddenly felt like he had just been thrown a cold bucket of water. What was she doing here?

"Amy?? What are you doing here?" Derek asked her angrily.
"My dear brother" Amelia replied on a sarcastic tone "It's a pleasure to see you too! It's been so long"
"Stop playing, this is not funny. Why are you here?"
"God, Derek, you're not the white-hot center of the universe" she rolled her eyes at him "I'm in Seattle for a gala and I was with Meredith, whom apparently you know, and she was paged to the hospital so I went with her. "
"Right." Derek clenched his jaw; he was in no mood to deal with his sister.
"You could at least pretend to be happy to see me"
"Amy, please don't make a scene in the middle of the ER"
"A scene?" Amelia was outraged, her brother really knew how to get on her nerves "You know what Derek, I'm not going to do this. I'll go back to New York and you can continue to pretend you don't have a family. I don't care"
On these words she walked away and Derek regretted instantly being such an ass. Why did he always have to argue with his sister?

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