CHAPTER 7 : 1 step forward and 3 steps back

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The plane had just landed in Seattle and it was raining just as much as in New York. The two surgeons got out of the plane and the atmosphere between them was starting to feel heavy. 

"We should talk now" Derek decided to confront the situation.
"We should" Meredith replied, turning around to face him "but I don't want to"
"Just tell me what you want to do, what this week end meant to you... I don't know just tell me anything"
"I had a great weekend and I don't regret any of it. But I don't think we should take this any further" she muttered looking down.
Derek's smile immediately fell.
"I see" he simply said but Meredith could hear the hurt in his voice "Well then, we will see each other at the hospital."

He turned around and quickly walked away while Meredith was left there stranded in the airport feeling like she would be stuck here forever. What started in a beautiful room ended in an airport hall.

The porch light was on so Meredith figured one of her friends was probably at her house. She opened the door tiredly. She couldn't wait to crash into her bed to get a few hours of sleep before she had to go to the hospital early tomorrow morning.

"Mer, is that you?" a familiar voice asked from the kitchen.
"Cristina? What are you doing here?"
Meredith entered the kitchen to see her best friend attempting to make margaritas.
"I figured I'd make your favorite cocktail so that you could tell me everything. I'm just amazing like that" she said enthusiastically.

Cristina saw that her best friend wasn't sharing the same enthusiasm and immediately realized something was wrong.
"Mer? What happened?"
"What happened is that Lexie's dead. And George's dead. And Izzie's dead. Even my mother's dead" she yelled "That's what happened! And I had the most perfect weekend which almost made me forget how crappy real life was until I had to semi dump someone I never even dated, in an airport!"

Cristina's jaw dropped because she was not expecting such a rant. "You definitely need a drink"
"No, I need to sleep" the blonde sighed.
"I am not letting you go sleep with all your dark and twisty thoughts" Cristina replied "We are dancing it out"

She turned the music on really loud and grabbed the hand of a still reluctant Meredith. 
"Come on!!!" She shouted over the really loud music. Meredith finally let out a laugh and started dancing along her best friend.

Derek opened the door of his trailer and sighed at the sight of his lonely bed. It had been a weekend only but he was already feeling way too many things for the woman he had held in his arms just the night before.

There was something electric between them. He didn't know what it was but it was undeniable. It was like an unexplainable connection and he knew she felt it too.

This woman was a mystery that he thought he had already managed to solve but every time he made a little bit of progress, there was a huge setback right after. 

He laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling while his mind was going over everything that had happen in the last 72 hours. How did he end up pining for Meredith Grey? Sure, it had been a few weeks since he first felt really attracted to her but he never thought that if anything happened between them, that was how he would feel right after. She was just miraculous and yet she had already hurt him.

The rays of light caressed Derek's unshaved face and he groaned when the sun almost blinded him. He looked at his phone and realized that he was already late for work. He let out a few swear words and quickly got up to get dressed. He knew this day would be awful already.

"So, where's your knight in shiny armor" Cristina teased Meredith when they bumped into each other in the attendings' lounge.
"Okay first he's not my knight in shiny armor and second, I haven't seen him today, I'm not even sure he came in"
"Aw you really broke his heart Meredith Grey" she said mimicking a pout before laughing.
"You really are evil you know" Meredith replied chuckling but she was actually worried of what she would do next time Derek would be in front of her.

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