CHAPTER 5 : save your tears

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Meredith woke up in the middle of the night panting realizing she was wearing a robe and was held tight in Derek's embrace. She was burning and desperately needed to get out from under the covers. She got out without waking up Derek and immediately took off the burning hot robe before going into the bathroom to get some water. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed because she had no idea what she was doing right now. After a splash of cold water on her face, she went back to the room and decided to put Derek's shirt on and to get back into bed for the rest of the night.

"Derek..." Meredith whispered stroking his hair "Wake up, we have a conference I think, I'm not sure though"
"It just feels so good and warm here" he mumbled snuggling even closer to her.
"Stop" she giggled "alright I need to go take a shower, so you better be up when I get out"
"Oh, suddenly I'm awake and I am definitely going to join you" Derek replied opening his eyes and grinning seductively.
"Nope, because we don't have any more condoms so if you want to take a shower with me you are going to need to go buy some or we are taking a shower with no funny business!!"
Derek groaned "Option one it is"

They both got out of bed and Derek got dressed to go to the store while Meredith was getting into the bathroom. He noticed that she was wearing his shirt and unintentionally smiled to himself.

Derek was feeling like a teenager once again because he hadn't bought condoms in so long. He chose an enormous pack of at least a hundred and stuffed it in his bag. Suddenly he realized he was in a hotel full of doctors he knew and that if he ran into anyone, they would probably see that the only thing in his grocery bag was a giant pack of condoms. He sighed and started wandering around the store looking for random things to buy. He picked up a few biscuit boxes, chips and one tequila bottle. He looked at it satisfied and decided that he needed something else to wrap them in it. He spotted a Mario and Luigi shirt that said 'PLAYERS' and decided to add it to his cart. He went to pay for everything and cautiously hid the condoms after.

Derek turned around when he heard his named pronounced by a voice he didn't recognize.
"Dr Thomas! Can I help you?" Derek asked, clearly uncomfortable.
"What do you have here?" Dr Thomas asked curiously, not even acknowledging what Derek had just said.
"Oh. Uh, I needed a few things from the store" he laughed awkwardly "I always need snacks in my room"
Dr Thomas raised his eyebrows but didn't ask any more questions and left him alone. He saluted him and walked away.

Derek sighed and walked to Meredith's bedroom before unlocking it with the card she had given him earlier.

"Meredith, I'm here" he shouted, hearing the shower running.
No response.
"Meredith?" He asked again "I hope you didn't forget about our hot steamy date"
Still no response.

He put down the bag and got into the bathroom. There she was, facing him, looking completely lost and wrecked, tears were streaming down her face, mixing with the shower water and her whole body was shaking with each sob. Derek was not expecting this at all and to see Meredith in such distress felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest.

He stripped entirely and got into the shower to hold her. He wrapped his arms around her small body and Meredith buried her face into his chest and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. They were completely naked, both literally and figuratively.

It felt like time had frozen, it could've been hours or it could've been seconds. Derek had no idea; all he knew was that he was holding her like his life depended on it and that all he wanted was that she would stop crying because she was finally fine.

After a moment, Meredith got off his chest and looked up at him.
"I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to see me like that" she stuttered.
And once again she fled.
Derek got out of the shower and wrapped his lower half in a towel to go see where she had gone.

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