CHAPTER 12: the very first night

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(smut warning i guess, not very detailed tho)

It was 7pm and Derek was pacing inside his trailer. He had already gotten ready but it was way too early to go pick up Meredith. He felt like a little kid on Christmas morning and that feeling was so refreshing, it had been so long. After a glance in the mirror, he decided to take off his tie because it was way too formal. He needed to clear his head so he opted for a walk around his land to get some fresh air.

The sun was already starting to set on Seattle and the view from his land was just breathtakingly magnificent. The colors and the lights of the city offered a view you just couldn't get enough of. Derek started thinking about the day he would finally bring Meredith on his land and reveal the secret of where he lived. How he would love to show her his land and watch the sun rise above the rim of the world with her by his side. He was aware of how cheesy that sounded, which was pretty unlike him, but ever since they first got together, he felt like he was finally breathing correctly.

He got back to his trailer and realized that it was already 7:30 so after looking in the mirror and checking his hair and outfit one last time, he got out again and got into his car. The drive seemed to go so slowly but also too quickly. He didn't know why he was feeling so stressed considering they knew each other pretty well and she had literally seen him naked for an entire weekend.

Derek slowed down his car as he recognized her neighborhood. He had only been to Meredith's house once when Amelia was visiting in Seattle and he vividly remembered her house and its lack of decoration. At the time, he wondered what kind of weird secrets she was hiding but now that he knew, it made perfect sense.

It was now completely dark outside but Meredith's porch light was on. Derek parked his car on the driveway and exhaled trying to calm his heart racing. He walked to the door of her house and knocked three times. He only waited a few seconds before she appeared behind the glass door.

Meredith was wearing a mint green silk blouse with slightly darker loose pants. It was simple but she looked stunning as always and the green made her eyes even prettier than usual.

"Hi" she greeted him with a smile.
"Hi, you look amazing." Derek complimented her.
"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." Meredith laughed.
"Ready to go?" he asked.
"Ready." She replied grabbing her coat and purse.

Derek opened the door and she got into his car. They were both feeling oddly shy considering their history but they had been so open with each other that being that vulnerable was scary. They quickly arrived at the restaurant and were seated.

"So, what's your story with all the ferryboats scrubcaps?" Meredith asked while glancing at Derek over her menu.
"I just have this thing for ferryboats, it's intense. I ride it every day to get to the hospital and, I don't know, everything just seems possible on the water." He replied
"What I get from that is that you actually moved to Seattle for its ferryboats." She joked.
"It definitely was part of the reasons why." He chuckled.
"I don't know what you see in them though, they're dirty and loud and very polluting." Meredith said sternly.
"You don't see the freedom, the possibility!" Derek replied almost offended.
"Oh, you didn't lie, it really is intense your thing for ferryboats." She laughed.

Derek rolled his eyes but laughed with her.

"You'll see what I'm talking about when I take you for a ferryboat ride." He continued.
"Oh, is that so?" she asked raising her eyebrows playfully.
"Oh yes"
"I don't even know where you live." Meredith said as she realized he never said anything about that.
"Wouldn't you like to know." Derek laughed.

They were interrupted by the waiter coming to take their orders.

"I'll have a marguerita and the steak please." Meredith ordered with a smile.
"And I'll have a double scotch single malt and the salmon with the sorrel sauce please. And add a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc, thank you."

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