CHAPTER 13: i want it that way

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The inside of the trailer was still completely dark but the pager going off was definitely a sign that the night was over. Derek groaned and rolled over to grab his pager and see what was going on. Only his was beeping and his presence to the hospital was apparently requested shortly even though it was only 5 AM. He sighed and fell back on the mattress rubbing his sleepy eyes. He looked over at Meredith who was so peacefully sleeping, her hair delicately falling on the pillow. He gently stroked her hair and kissed her cheek to wake her up.

"Meredith." He whispered in her ear.
"Mhpf." She groaned without opening her eyes.
"You have to wake up, I'm being paged to the hospital so you have to come with me if you don't want to stay stuck in the middle of the woods all day." Derek explained softly.
"Idontwanttogetup." She mumbled.
"I'm gonna make coffee, but you better hurry."

Derek kissed her face one last time and got out of bed to make the promised coffee.

It was so early and the bed was so warm, Meredith did not want to get out and have to confront the cold and life in general. She finally opened her eyes and stretched her limbs with a sigh. She could see Derek moving in the kitchen; he was only wearing underwear and Meredith thought that there definitely were worst views to wake up to. She hadn't been paged meaning she would have time to go home to shower and change because she only had her clothes from last night right now.

"Finally up?" Derek asked from the kitchen area.
"Mhm" Meredith groaned groggily, still wanting to go back into the arms of Morpheus.
"I didn't peg you for being such an awful morning person." He teased her
"Leave me alone." She replied throwing a pillow at him.
"I'm bringing you coffee, be nice." Derek chuckled.
"It's your fault I have to be up so early, I haven't even been paged but of course you had to live in the middle of nowhere." She complained.
"Just drink your coffee." He sighed sitting on the bed and handing her a cup of hot coffee.

Meredith rolled her eyes but immediately took a sip of that miracle drink, still looking at Derek. After a few minutes of silently enjoying each other's company and their coffee, Derek got up to get dressed.

"We really have to go now; it has been 10 minutes since the page." He stated as he was putting on his jeans.

With a sigh, Meredith got out of the bed and put on her pants from last night.

"Do you have a shirt I can steal?" she asked Derek after she found her blouse all wrinkled.

Derek smiled to himself and threw her one of his shirts that she caught with ease and immediately put on. It smelled just like him.

"I gathered all my stuffs, I'm ready to go." She said with a smile.
"Wait, no, you're missing something..." Derek replied.

Meredith furrowed her eyebrows and started looking around until she realized Derek had walked towards her and was standing right in front of her. He grabbed both side of her head and softly kissed her.

"There, now we can go." He whispered with a smile.

Meredith smiled back and followed him in the cold exterior to get to the car. They were both very silent, enjoying this drive together.

"Alright, here's your stop." Derek said as he stopped his car on Meredith's driveway.
"Thank you, how much do I owe you?" she joked.
"Oh, I can think of a few ways you could repay me." He replied playfully.
"You always have to go there." Meredith giggled, hitting his shoulder.

She leaned to kiss him softly.

"See you later." She said with a smile before getting out of the car and entering her house.

Derek sighed in contentment and the smile on his face simply could not be wiped off. He started the car again and cautiously left her driveway to get to the hospital.

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