CHAPTER 8 : until i bleed out

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It had already been two weeks since Meredith revealed her deepest and darkest fear to Derek but nothing had changed. Derek was being nicer than before that weekend but their relationship was still strictly professional. Their only conversation consisted of small talk about the least interesting subjects ever, or of medicine. 

It was driving Meredith insane. Why didn't he ever say anything about their last conversation? Did he simply not care? Did he finally see why they should be nothing more than colleagues? Even if that was exactly what she wanted, Meredith would have never thought it would hurt this much.

To add up to her pile of worries and problems, Meredith had woken up feeling very sick and had no idea how she would make it through the day.

Derek got out of the OR and rubbed his eyes before yawning. He had spent almost the entire night in surgery and couldn't wait to get a few hours of sleep before his next one. As he was walking towards an on-call room, he saw Meredith talking to Cristina Yang a few meters away. He hadn't stopped thinking about her but he was respecting her wishes. He understood why she was shutting him out even though he knew that they could be extraordinary together, rather than ordinary apart.

A disgusting sound of someone vomiting brought Derek back to reality. He turned his head and saw Meredith puking her guts out in a bin. He fought the urge to run to her and help her and he simply observed the scene to make sure she was okay.

"Holy crap! Are you pregnant ??" Cristina yelled so loud that everyone in the corridor turned around to see what and who that was about.

Derek froze and Meredith looked up at her best friend looking completely horrified.

"So, who's the father?" Cristina asked as she was examining her best friend.
"I'm not pregnant!" Meredith argued
"I didn't think I was pregnant when I was pregnant either" Cristina continued, "but abdominal pain, constant fever, the non-stop vomiting"
"I'm not pregnant" Meredith repeated again.
"You don't know who the father is do you?"
"It would have to be Derek's; I haven't slept with anyone else in months."
"You weren't getting any before McDreamy rocked your world that weekend? God, you're making me sad"
"Cristina! That's what you're concerned about right now?"
"You're pregnant with McBaby" Cristina said in a baby voice.
"Was I this mean to you when you were pregnant?" Meredith groaned in pain.
"I thought you said you weren't pregnant"
"She's not" Chief Bailey said as she entered the exam room, "We'll have to run more tests"
"In that case, can I have some Morphine?" Meredith asked.

Derek hadn't heard from anyone about Meredith's state and he was starting to worry. He couldn't worry though because he had a surgery right now and he couldn't let anything or anyone get into his head like that, he was a professional.

"You're such a good friend" Meredith told Cristina as she was lying in a hospital bed wearing a hospital gown.
"You're so high right now." Cristina replied
"Actually, you're my best friend in the whole entire world. Look at you staying at my bedside as if you weren't a renowned world-class cardiothoracic surgeon." Meredith let out a giggle.
"Yang, what are you doing here" Bailey interrupted them, "I can't have two of my department heads out today."
"Just tell me what's wrong with her and I'll be on my way" Cristina retorted.
"Simple appendicitis, I'm taking her to surgery in an hour and she'll be out in two hours now go."

Cristina thanked the chief and got out of Meredith's room to get to her surgeries.

"I'm getting the chief?" Meredith said loopily, like a little kid on Christmas morning.
"Did you think I was going to let anyone operate on The Meredith Grey, My head of general surgery? Hell no" Bailey replied smiling at her. "Alright so, rest a bit and I'll come take you for surgery in an hour. Do NOT eat or drink anything"
"I know the rules"
"I know you do, but I'm not sure high you does"
"You're so pretty and so nice" Meredith said as she was scrunching her nose, "I think you're the best chief ever."
Meredith laughed and Bailey rolled her eyes at her but while smiling before exiting her room.

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