CHAPTER 14: jealousy, jealousy

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"I need you to focus on what I'm saying because I won't say it again and it's important." Bailey said on a very serious tone.

All the heads of department seated around the table of the conference room got completely quiet and nodded in understanding.

"You people need to stop thinking my hospital is a charity. The pro bono surgery budget is decided at the beginning of every month so I can't have you promising every patient a free surgery just because you feel bad." She continued.

There were a few exclamations of indignation around the table but Bailey shut them up.

"I feel bad too, but we cannot continue like this, do you understand me?" she said a bit louder.

"But Chief, sometimes it's inhumane to let them go without surgery!" Arizona shouted.

The conversation was getting heated and Meredith was about to jump in when she suddenly felt a hand on her thigh. The gasp she let out was drowned by all the screaming and shouting. She looked at Derek sitting directly to her left and he smirked at her with a very smug look on her face. He started going up and down her thigh getting dangerously closer each time. Meredith was doing her best to keep a straight face but she wasn't that good of an actress.

"Okay, Grey what do you think?" Bailey asked, bringing her back to earth.

Meredith jumped, taken by surprise because she had no idea what that was about.

"About...?" she finally stuttered as she stopped Derek's hand with hers.

"Are you kidding me? I just said this was important and everyone should carefully listen." Bailey scolded her.

"I'm sorry I kind of lost track when everyone started shouting." Meredith explained.

Bailey rolled her eyes and Meredith saw Cristina furrow her eyebrows and whispering something into Alex's ear that made both of them laugh.

"Let me rewind then. We were talking about organizing a pro bono surgery day at least every three months if we find funds." Bailey explained.

"Oh, of course I'm in." Meredith exclaimed.

"Shepherd?" Bailey asked.

"Count me in too." Derek replied with a smile.

Bailey asked to the rest of the surgeons around the table and everyone said yes.

"Dr Shepherd, a word." Meredith said as the chief ended the meeting.

Derek simply nodded and smiled.

"Mer, you coming?" Alex asked from across the room.

"I can't I have a thing... I have to talk to Dr Shepherd." She quickly said before leaving the room followed closely by Derek.

Alex and Cristina looked at each other with a very understood smile and walked away.

"What can I do for you today, Dr Grey?" Derek asked in a husky voice. 

"You're completely unhinged, you know that right?" she said crossing her arms.

"Maybe but you love it." He replied teasingly.

Meredith rolled her eyes with a smile. She did love it.

"I don't have a surgery until later you know." Meredith said flirtatiously, getting closer to him even though they were in the middle of the hallway and anyone could arrive at any moment.

"Oh, how I'm loathing that aneurysm waiting for me right now." Derek complained.

"Too bad. I guess I'll see you later then." She replied shrugging before starting to walk away.

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