CHAPTER 16: make up

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Derek had barely slept and was in an awful mood. He had been at the hospital for a few hours now and he wasn't looking forward to seeing Meredith. Maybe she was right in what she said last night, as much as he loved her, maybe he couldn't handle all her issues. He sighed and rubbed his face tiredly, he hated being preoccupied by his personal life when he was at work, it was so unlike him.

"Hi, can we talk?" he heard a familiar voice behind him.

He closed his eyes and exhaled for a second. He didn't want to see her right now but at least she wasn't the one avoiding this time.

"I have surgery." He replied slowly turning around but avoiding her gaze.

"Derek, I'm sorry, I overreacted last night and things got out of hand." She uttered.

He simply nodded, he wasn't in the mood to argue or to accept her apology right now. It was all too much.

"I'm apologizing, I'm trying." She continued weakly as he didn't reply.

"I heard." He replied coldly.

"Oh... Okay, I'll see you later then?"


He didn't glance at her and walked away to get to surgery, leaving a very distraught Meredith in the middle of the corridor.

"Dr Grey? We need you in the ER." A resident called her.

"I'll be right there." She sighed.

She couldn't believe what had happened. She apologized and actually went to him after the argument, that was both their faults, instead of avoiding and he dismissed her without even a look.

But she was the chief of general surgery, she didn't have time to worry about her boyfriend's mood and feelings or hers right now. She had a big job with responsibilities and she couldn't get any more distracted by Derek.

Derek's day went by quickly and he went from successful surgery to successful surgery. He was feeling light and happy right now. He hadn't thought about Meredith all day and it was actually refreshing. He just needed a break from the drama, some time to breathe and to think. He didn't know what made him change his mind radically though because last night all he wanted was to be with her all the time forever, but today he just couldn't even look at her. He knew he was being unfair and a big hypocrite but time would change his mind soon, he was sure of that.

"Dr Shepherd!" A nurse shouted from the end of the corridor.

Derek turned around to see a brunette nurse walk to him.

"You forgot your phone in the OR." She smiled, handing him his phone.

"Thank you, Rose." He said with a smile.

"Anytime." Rose replied, twirling a strand of hair with her finger and batting her eyelashes.

Her very obvious flirting was very embarrassing and Derek almost laughed but he simply smiled at her before walking to the attendings lounge to get his stuffs before leaving. It also made him realize he didn't want anyone else flirting with him but Meredith Grey.

Meredith had the worst day, even though all her surgeries were successful and flawless, they were all touch and go and draining and her mind couldn't stop racing and she couldn't get Derek out of her head. Last night, he told her she was way more than enough and she almost told him she loved him and today he was acting as if she was a complete stranger.

The door of the attendings lounge opened and she saw the man that was driving her insane enter the room. Derek looked at her for the first time today and he let out a small smile. He was still upset but she looked so down right now, he just couldn't act indifferent.

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