Chapter 7: What the HUC

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As the next couple of weeks pass Shoto and I begin to spend more time together. We study together, train together, and some times we just take a walk or go sit on the roof of the dorm for a while I have also been spending a lot of time with Mina and Toru. We think we have come up with a good plan on how to get Midoriya and Uraraka together.

Kirishima has also been trying to get close to Mina and talks to her all the time since her dare. I keep telling her that he does like her, but she keeps denying it. I walk into the classroom after lunch and take my seat. Shoto stops at my desk "Do you want to go somewhere after school?" He looks down at me with a slight blush.

"I'd love to Shoto." I grin at him.

He nods and opens his mouth to say more but just then Mr. Aizawa walks in and says in a tired voice, "Go get your hero costumes on and meet outside. We are going to do training at the USJ today. We will have extra heros on site so no one needs to worry about any villains attacking us this time." With that he turns and walks away dragging his sleeping bag with him.

We all grab our cases with our costumes and head to the changing rooms. As we are changing Toru wonders, "I wonder what we are doing for training today. Are we going to be split into the different areas like we would have been the last time we were there."

I shrug, "I'm sure Mr. Aizawa will explain what we will be doing when we get there. Also, I heard about what happened last year, but not very many details were given. Can I ask, what happened at the USJ last year?" I look around at the girls hoping for an honest reply.

Mina looks at me, "Oh, sure. I'll tell you on the way over there." We all head out of the changing room and the boys of course are waiting for us. I see Shoto take me in. The last time he saw me in my hero costume was the day of our close combat villain training. That was before we both admitted we like each other too. I blush as his gaze roams over my body. I see his gaze stop for a moment at my breasts and I feel my nipples harden at the look in his eyes. Then he lets his eyes roam down to the metal corset that fits the small expanse of my waist to the curve of my hips and stops on the exposed bit of my thighs that are bare of any fabric.

He mush feel me staring at him and drags his gaze back to my eyes. I am blushing deeply at this point as Mina chimes in, "Man Todoroki, that roving look you just gave Shay could burn a building to ashes it was so hot."

Shoto's face turns a darker shade of pink at her words. I simply shoot her a look and say, "Maybe I shouldn't have let you read those books..."

She gasped, "You take that back. You are my favorite, no my High Lady, for introducing me to that series." She points at me with one hand bent forward at the waist and the other hand perched on her hip. "Speaking of, I finished A Court of Silver Flames, I need more of where that came from. I need more of where that came from. I mean Cassian, like damn where do I sign up for that training." She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

Toru and Ochaco step up to me as we are heading for the USJ. "What books?" They say at the same time. I glance over my shoulder and see Shoto, Midoriya, and Kirishima following closely behind us listening intently and whispering to each other trying to figure out what kind of books we are talking about.

Toru interrupts my thoughts, "Shay, can I borrow the books too?"

Ochaco says, "Me too, I have to know what you guys are raving about."

I grin, "Absolutely! Do either of you know English? I only have one set of the books in Japanese but I have a second set in English. If you guys enjoy those ones too then how about we do a book club and I will share all of my, uh... romance books..."

Mina giggles at my term but says, "But seriously. I need a fix. What else can you give me? Please let it have a guy, no a man, like Cassian. I just can't get over how hot he is and how skilled he is in battle and elsewhere."

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