Chapter 23: Brothers

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The next few weeks of training were just as brutal as I imagined they would be. We were up each day at 5am to begin training. Once we ate breakfast, which we had to cook, we begin our training for the day. Each of us were working on extending our capabilities of our quirks. Shoto had to practice using his fire and ice at the same time as well as pushing his max output for each power. Bakugo had to try and use his quirk at max output with minimal sweat secretion. Midoriya had to try pushing his max output of power. He was also working on controlling Black whip for a longer period of time and at a higher level.

Everyone was working their hardest. On top of the training we were all trying to come up with a good plan to expose the traitor. While at the same time acting like normal to not tip anyone off that we knew about the traitor. The summer has flown by and we are in the fifth week of training camp already. Though it feels like just yesterday that we arrived. We are all pretty tired from the constant training, cooking, and cleaning.

But we are having a game night tonight after dinner. Though it won't be like last year. They don't want everyone split up again in case of a villain attack. So after we eat and clean up from dinner we are given an hour to bathe and change before meeting up in a nearby clearing.

Our class meets up outside of the lodging area and we begin to make our way to the clearing with Mr. Aizawa. No one has told us what this game night will entail even though we have asked countless times for details. All they will tell us is that it's a surprise. Class B makes it to the clearing shortly after us and I make sure to keep an eye on Vlad King.

Once they arrived I noticed that Vlad King was looking around and almost counting in his head. I discreetly nudge Shoto and tilt my head ever so slightly in Vlad Kings direction. He glances over and sees Vlad King still counting each person and seemingly noting where everyone was located. Leaning into Shoto with a smile like I was being the sweet little girlfriend to everyone else's eyes. I whisper in his ear just after kissing his cheek. "Something is going to happen. Tonight, I can feel it."

I pull back and Shoto looks down at me and raises his hand to push a stray hair behind my ear. He kisses my forehead and gives a slight nod. We each lock eyes with all our other classmates and give slight nods. The feeling of unease and danger is growing and it's making me feel nauseous with how powerful it is. The Pussycats have us set up in a large circle and are beginning to explain their thoughts for game night. They are going to have us play Charades. Then they plan to split us into groups and we will play Cards Against Humanity.

This is going to be bad. I'm trying to breath through a new rush of this feeling but see Vlad King take a step back. He throws a glance around us all and takes another step back. I keep my head down but watch him through my lashes as he keeps moving back, until he is in the tree line. When he's out of sight I shoot up and rush to Aizawa.

Aizawa of course glares at me for interrupting his nap. But I don't care. Instead I blurt out, "The traitor is Vlad King, and villains are about to attack. We have to get ready." All while I'm trying not to be sick by the growing nausea.

Mr. Aizawa's eyebrows shoot up, but he doesn't question me. He knows that with my quick I am able to sense these things. He quickly looks around. Upon seeing Vlad King not in the clearing his eyes narrow and his right eye twitches.

He rushes to the Pussycats and then I hear Shino Sosaki's voice in my head. "Villains are on their way to attack. Vlad King is working with the villains and is not to be trusted. Pros have been contacted and are en-route. Until they have arrived you are permitted to use your quirks to fight. Do not wander from the clearing and make sure to stay in groups of at least two to three for safety."

After a moments pause she adds, "We do not know if they are planning to kidnap anyone again, or if they just wish to cause harm. If anyone is able to find out the information please relay it back to me so I can inform everyone. The pros should be here within the next 2 hours."

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