Chapter 19: The interview

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The afternoon and evening patrol the next day had barely any activity. We had two villains that tried to break into a bank as it was closing. Endeavor made it there before any of us could and stopped the villains before they could gain entry to the building. Then after dark there was another villain that attempted to rob a convenience store. Again Endeavor got to the scene before us and stopped the villain. I was thoroughly exhausted by the time we got back to the agency and went to bed.

It was now the day of my interview, and due to the interview we would be taking the evening patrol. The boys were told to tag along for the interview so that once over we could head out for patrol. The five of us make our way into the large conference room at Endeavor's agency. Endeavor sits at the head of the long table with me directly to his right. Shoto sits on my right, then Midoriya and Bakugo. The journalists are lead into the room and directed to sit across from the four of us.

Endeavor clears his throat once they are all seated. "Well, now that everyone is here. We will only be conducting this interview for 30 minutes and no more. We still have patrols to go on. Please begin." He then sits back.

The journalist closest to me speaks up first. "First, I would like to ask what your name and hero name is." She seemed nice enough and was respectful so far.

"My names is Shaylynn Doi, but my friends call me Shay. My hero name is Yōso."

The next person speaks, a young man a little father down that table. "How old are you and what exactly is your quirk?"

"I'm 16, like my classmates here." I say as I gesture to the three boys next to me. "My quirk is like my hero name. I can control and manipulate all the elements; air, water, fire, and earth. I can also control and manipulate ice. I also have a quirk called spirit. With it I can see peoples auras, speak to the dead, control peoples mood and mind, as well as travel through the spirit world."

They all seem a bit shocked at just how much I can do. "How did you use your quirk to save the young boy the other day?"

"I felt a tug on my spirit senses and I saw him running after his ball that went into the road. I saw the car not slowing down, so I acted. I ran through the spirit world grabbed onto the boy and moved us through the spirit world to safety." I pause, "I'm very glad to have been there to save him."

Yet another voice, "What kind of tug on your senses do you mean?"

I sigh, "It's hard to explain." I search for the right words. "When I was six my mother and I were attacked by a villain while shopping. She died in front of me that day." Almost everyone gasps not having expected that. "Even though I had only recently discovered some of my quirks, I had not yet discovered the spirit part. Not until that day. I felt the same tug, or sensation I guess you could say. I could feel death around me and my mother. That is the tug I felt the other day. It was like death was closing in for the boy. I'm just thankful that I was faster than death this time." Shoto grasps my hand under the table.

There is a pause before the next question, "You're Inferno's daughter?

I glance to the journalist, "Yes, and my mother was the pro hero Aqua."

They all scribble notes down on their pads. "You were very... kind to the boy afterwards. Can you explain why you chose those actions?"

I furrow my eyebrows, "Why would I have been anything but kind? He is just a child. Children make mistakes, and are notorious for not watching where they're going. Besides, if I had been mean to him or yelled at him after saving him, then I wouldn't want to call myself a true hero. Hero's are meant to serve and protect. We are meant to save people. No matter who they are or even how old they are. It could have been a villain and I would have saved them from being hit. That is what true hero's do."

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