Chapter 6: Girls night

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Mina and Hagakure run up to me squealing when Shoto disappears into the elevator. "How did you do it? We have to know how you made him smile. No one has been able to make him smile. He hasn't smiled once since the first day. How did you do it?"

I look at them in quiet shock. "What do you mean he hasn't smiled once since the first day? I'm sure he has." My eyebrows scrunch together at their words.

"He is always so serious. Even when anyone makes jokes he doesn't smile. So how did you make him smile?" Mina taps her bottom lip with her finger while thinking. "Unless... it's you." Her eyes shine. "It must be you. Oh. My. Gosh. He likes you!" Both Mina and Hagakure let out an ear piercing squeal that has me covering my ears before Mina continues. "That has to be the reason. I mean he does watch you a lot, and stares at you all the time. He must like you. This is amazing. You guys will be the first couple in our class. Oh, I can't wait until he asks you out. I am so helping you pick out your outfit for the date."

"Hey, I'm going to help too!" Hagakure chimes in.

"What." I am so confused as to what exactly is going on. "No, I'm sure you've misread. He can't like me... can he? Does he? He watches me? I'm so confused."

Mina chuckles, "Oh sweetie, any time you two are in the same room he is watching you. If he's doing something and you walk in, he stops what he's doing and watches you. It's really adorable." Hagakure must be whispering something to Mina because I hear what seems like a whisper as Mina leans ever so slightly to the side. "Oh, that's brilliant Toru!" Yup I was right. "Shay... do you mind if I call you Shay?" She pauses.

"Yea, that's fine with me." I shrug.

"Great, Shay we need to have a girls night this weekend." She turns to Toru and I see the invisible girl walk away and just a few moments later all the other girls are surrounding me. "Great, everyone's here. So we need to have a girls night this weekend. I say we take over the common area Saturday night. Is everyone in?" She glances at all the girls who all agree to this plan.

Her gaze lands on me last, "Uh, sure. Sounds like fun. I've never had a girls night before."

They all gasp in shock at my words and demand to know why I have never had a girls night. I tell them that I never had many friends growing up and my last friend turned vindictive when I told her I was moving to Japan. They all gasped in shock and outrage at my statement and told me that they would never turn on me like that. They said that if she had been a real friend, that she never would have turned on me but instead would have supported me no matter what.

So the next three days pass by quickly and it's finally girls night. You all inform the boys after school that you will be commandeering the common area from after dinner until the morning for girls night. You also ask them all to please make sure Mineta does not try to sneak down and try anything.

Ida being, well Ida, vows that he will make sure we are not disturbed by Mineta. Mineta of course complains, saying he's being singled out and that its not fair just the girls get to have a sleepover. He tries to convince the guys that we should have one big sleepover. Of course that sends Ida into a lecture on how inappropriate that is at our age and how Mineta needs to learn how to respect women. All the other boys though interested what we will be doing agree that they will help make sure Mineta does not try anything.

After dinner we bid the boys a goodnight and set ourselves up on the sofas that we rearranged to make a sort of circle around us with one opening. We toss all of the cushions onto the floor between all the sofas and set up a bunch of blankets, pillows, and snacks.

Mina and Toru suggest you guys play some games. The first one is 20 questions. Mainly so they could get to know me better and so I could get to know them better. They ask me questions ranging from how I got so many cool quirks to what my favorite color is to if I've ever had a boyfriend. I feel like I can trust them so I answer each question truthfully even though talking about my mom makes me sad. When I let them know that my mom died fighting a villain they tell me how sorry they are to hear that I lost her so young. But, they also tell me that she would be so very proud of me to know that I am pursuing a life of hero work just like her.

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