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For my entire life, I was bullied verbally as well as a little physically, though not too serious. But all those moments were when that big, bad bully humiliated me in front of everyone.

My pride and ego were practically thrown away the moment I was humiliated. Yet, my parents and my brother thought that he was doting on me, hence he paid so much attention on me.

But I hated him so much. Yeah right, dote on me. More like make me suffer ten times more.

He called me names, like literally harsh ones after I have turned into a woman when I was fourteen. He labelled me as a slut, whore, hoe and many more.

And this got the attention of many males in my school who practically tried to hook up with me, even though I was trying my hardest to protect my virginity. I wanted to safeguard my v-card for my future mate.

Yet, he never allowed them to get near me. If they ever did, they would have to face his wrath. It was so ironic. He bullied me, yet he was so possessive.

What the hell was he trying to do? I don't know and I don't even want to find out.

As for any other day, he would pick on me relentlessly until I was damn frustrated. I mean, I didn't even offend him in the first place, but he kept on picking on me.

When I had gotten myself a new school bag, he deliberately snatched it from me and hid it somewhere where there would be a lot of dirt, saying that pink was a girly color for me.

And that got me pissed for a couple of days that I ignored him. But he would always try to break down these walls, making me look so vulnerable in front of him.

I hated it a lot. I hated to be seen as weak by him.

The other day, my brother had gotten me a new sundress. However, it ended up tattered and worn out because he said that it was too childish for me and I should wear oversized sweaters to cover my ugly body.

God damn it, since when did I need his nasty comments?

But the most unbearable thing he had done to me was to beat up the guy whom I had a crush on. After that incident, he didn't talk to me, neither did he even dare to look at me.

However, my anger was slightly appeased when news travelled that he was going to be away for two years to attend Alpha's training.

And damn, I was so elated when he was going to leave. When he left, I was the only one who clapped the loudest while all the pack members were sending him off in a 'not so happy' mood.

That got me grounded for a week because I was supposed to be feeling sad to see him leave, instead of gloating over it.

I mean, come on, I was bullied for my entire life and he was finally gone. Why would I be feeling sad? The night before he left, I couldn't sleep well, not because I would miss him, but because he was going to leave for two whole years.

At least, he wouldn't be there when I shifted into my burgundy wolf on that same year. Otherwise, he would tease me endlessly when my wolf came out smaller than other average she-wolves.

However, I was faster and more agile than other wolves which gave me an advantage. And I was not afraid of getting defeated since I was constantly topping the charts for each week ever since training started. Alongside my brother, we were the best pack fighters since we also had Beta blood flowing in our veins.

Besides training as pack fighters, I discovered singing as my talent and formed a band with three other musically inclined friends who were like me, werewolves.

I am the lead vocal, Maya is a guitarist, Jessica plays the piano and Rachel plays the drums. The four of us usually played together as a band in competitions as well as in school performances.

It has been almost two years since this band was formed which means that the jerk was going to come back from his Alpha training soon and I was totally not looking forward to it, especially when his ferocious orbs kept casting glares at me when he was about to leave for his trip.

It was as though he was telling me that he would be back for me.

"Snap out of your thoughts, Eve." Rachel stated, smacking her drum sticks together to catch my attention. I raised a brow in response and murmured, "What?"

She rolled her eyes, "The Alpha-to-be is coming back in four months' time and the Alpha has requested us to perform a few songs for his party."

My eyes enlarged almost instantly, choking loudly as the cooling liquid rushed down my throat. "You've got to be f*cking kidding me."

Maya and Jessica laughed instantly since all three of them knew about my story while Rachel merely smirked, "Whether he has been a jerk to you for your entire life, you're still going to sing in his party."

"Can I pull out-" She cut me off with a stern glare. "The Alpha's orders, not mine. You wouldn't want to disobey the Alpha, do you?" She taunted with a knowing look, knowing that I would never dare to reject the Alpha.

Otherwise, my mom would ground me for a whole month.

The heels of my palms kissed my forehead as I leaned forward and groaned aloud, not caring if it caused an echo throughout our practice room in the basement of the pack house.

F*ck my life.

A/N _ Like, comment if you've enjoyed <3

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