Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The rooms he passed by went by in a blur, my sole focus were on him. Instead of entering my room, he turned down the corner and entered his bedroom. Confusion settled on my face as I stared up at his cold eyes.

"Nathan." I whispered, testing the waters as an unreadable expression etched on his frowning face. He set me down on his bed without a word, turning around as he quietly disappeared into his walk-in closet.

I wrapped my arms around my body, shivering, not in cold but in fear. For once, I was so afraid of him being mad at me. For the first time in my life, I actually craved for his attention.

What was happening to me? I wish someone could tell me.

"You're in love." My wolf giggled, wagging her tail in delight. I groaned in pure frustration, really pissed off that she was still able to joke at this crucial period. It was a matter of life and death.

Well, not to exaggerate. But the feeling of being totally ignored was really like going straight up to hell. I can't withstand that, not when my own mate was giving me a cold shoulder.

Was it because I disappeared without a word? Or was it because I jumped into the lake?

When he returned, he was holding onto a t-shirt and a pair of boxers. He left it by the nightstand and turned around. "Change." He simply said, his voice void of emotions.

I quietly complied.

When I was done, I sat down on the bed silently. "I'm done." I whispered, suddenly not recognizing my own voice. What had he done to make me appear so weak in front of him? What exactly had he done to me?

He turned around, giving me one glance before his furrowed brows slightly relaxed. However, the frown on his face still remained.

Dragging his face down in frustration, he sighed. With a shake of his head, he turned around and left. I sat down there with pure guilt. Maybe, I have gone too far.

He must be mad about me jumping into the water once more. I admit, it was a reckless move. But at that point of time, my mind was in a whirl of mess and confusion.

I didn't know what I wanted. I needed my space and privacy to think through what I really wanted in life.

I laid down on the bed, my back hitting the smooth mattress. I cupped my face in my palms and groaned out loud. Not only have I messed up big time, I have also signed myself to a route where I can never turn back.

Being a Luna is definitely not easy. With the responsibilities holding me back, I will never get to enjoy my life. Even if he was by my side, I would still feel a loss of freedom.

Is this what I really wanted?


I jerked awake as I slowly sat up. The space beside was empty, giving me a hint that Nathan had not come in, ever since he went out. I looked towards my left to see an alarm clock. It read 12 midnight.

Stifling a yawn, I wandered out of the room and turned on my senses as I walked past the dimly lit hallway. His alluring scent continued to drag me to wherever my senses took me.

Finally, I reached his office where the scent came from. I reckoned that he must be inside the office alone since there was only a single scent right now.

Deciding to take a bet, I rashly pushed past the door. I covered my mouth immediately upon noticing the sight before me. His head was leaned against the chair, his eyes were closed. The frown on his face still stayed even though his face looked calm and peaceful while he was asleep.

Moving towards the cupboard, I retrieved a thick blanket and approached his sleeping figure. Laying the blanket over his body, I suddenly felt a hand on my arm.

The next thing I knew, I was pulled towards him as he trapped me under his body. I groaned, throwing daggers at him. "You tricked me!" I exclaimed.

He simply smirked. "If you hadn't recklessly played with fire, you wouldn't have ended up in this state."

"You." I jabbed my finger on his chest, speechless by his words. He smiled, grabbing my hand as he gently kissed my knuckles. "You should know by now that I hate it when you could throw away your life like as if it meant nothing. You don't know how much it terrifies me of the thought of losing you."

"I-I'm sorry." I mumbled, looking down in shame. He lifted my chin to face him, a small smile lingered on his lips. "Promise me that you won't joke around with your life like that, babe. I can't imagine myself waking up one day with you no longer by my side."

"You know I wouldn't be able to take it if I lose you." He muttered under his breath, his forehead leaning against mine. I inhaled sharply, my heart softening upon his words. "I promise."

He pulled away and smiled. "Good."

He flipped me over such that I was on top of him, his arms wrapped around my body tightly. "If you ever dare to do that again, I will hold on to you and keep you on a tight leash."

I parted my lips in shock before recovering with a phrase thrown in his face. "I dare you."

"Why wouldn't I?" He simply smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

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