Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I washed her feet after rounds of massage on her soles. "You're a talented masseuse, Evelyn. I always enjoy your services whenever I pop by for an appointment." She commented.

I smiled, laying a towel on the ground for her to step on. "Thank you, Ms. Darlington."

Just as I turned around, the door opened. A rush of breeze blew in, sending shivers down my spine. My wolf was restless ever since this morning.

It wasn't until my eyes landed on a pair of familiar orbs did I finally understood what she meant. Nathan had stopped by to visit.

Not that I would mind, but he should be focusing more on his pack instead of dropping by my workplace as if he owned this place.

"What are you doing here?"

He smiled, grabbing my hand wordlessly as he led me to his car. "What the f"ck are you doing?" I yanked my hand from his grip as I stared at him, upset and confused.

"I'm taking you to a place." He leaned in and fastened my seatbelt. His skin brushed past mine and I groaned aloud at the tingles upon contact.

"You know how the tingles affect me, right?" I spoke aloud, not really caring if I was being so straightforward with my words.

He chuckled huskily, pecking my lips. "If the tingles had affected you this much, what about me? Just by looking at you, my heart is about to leap out of my lungs."

"Is that supposed to be a pick-up line? Because you can't deny that you googled it from the internet." I teased, tapping his pointed nose lightly.

"As long as its you, I don't mind searching high and low for the best pick-up line." I stared at him in awe upon his statement. I groaned. "Why are you always so good with your words?"

"Believe me, I have been practising that since young for my future mate." He leaned in, reaching for my hair as he twisted it in curls.

"If you don't stop with the cheesy words, I swear I am going to kiss you right here for another hour." I threatened, knowing how much his words were affecting and it needed to stop.

"If I didn't have somewhere important to bring you to, I might just let you have your wish." He growled in annoyance, obviously trying to hold himself back from me.

I barked out a laugh. "I know you can't keep your hands off me, darling. But, I win this time."


He finally pulled up by a beautiful cabin. The little cabin was surrounded by woods, situated in the heart of the forests. There was a garden which was nicely kept, it was as though somebody has been taking care of it.

I looked up to see smoke coming out from the chimney. "Is someone living here?" I turned to look at him with a raised brow. He simply smiled, pulling me along with him as we passed through the front door.

A woman with a grey bun was sitting on a rocking armchair with her hands busy weaving clothes with yarn balls. She turned to look at us with her glasses slightly dropping.

"My little one, how have you been?" She cooed, her clothes long forgotten as she stood up from the chair. Nathan let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around his grandma, I assume.

"You have grown up, little one." She said, giving his cheeks a squeeze as I heard a groan coming from him. I let out a giggle, silently laughing at him.

"And who is this young lady? Is she your mate?" She asked, her hopeful eyes staring into mine. I smiled, looking at Nathan who was staring at his grandma fondly.

"Yes, she is my beautiful mate, grandma." As he said that, he walked towards me and wrapped an arm around my waist. I just stared at the elder and smiled.

"Oh, aren't you the Beta's daughter?" She inquired, recognition flashed across her face. I nodded, "Yes, I am Evelyn Carter, daughter of James Carter."

"Ahh, your father is a fine man. I suppose he is enjoying his days with his beautiful mate right now, isn't it?" She asked while I nodded.

"He is a great father but most of the time, I am always defying him. Now, I understand why he wanted me to be with Nathan so much."

She chuckled. "The mate bond will slowly lead you to realize a lot of things."

"Yeah, it kind of did." I blushed furiously in embarrassment. I have let down my dad for opposing against him when all he wanted was to see me settle down.

"It's alright, everyone will learn along the way." She cooed, giving me a warm embrace. A cough interrupted us as we pulled away.

"As much as I can't bear to break this precious moment, I have some things to discuss with you, grandma." He said, looking solemn for the first time ever since we got here.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

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