Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Dinner arrived, and I was already starving in hunger. The aroma of food enticed me to the kitchen, allowing me to have a bird's eyes view of the feast that the Luna and mom had whipped up for the night.

Even the sight of it was already making my mouth water.

"Wipe off your drool, honey. You will have to wait for a while longer." Mom teased, shaking her head when she could notice drool lingering on my lips.

I sunk back onto my seat. "But I'm hungry." I whined like a four year old, acting coy in front of my mom. Trust me, that was an old antic that I would always use on my mom whenever I was young, just to get what I want.

Now that she has seen through me, she still chose to let me act coy around her whenever I wanted something. Needless to say, my mom has spoilt me rotten. Sometimes my brother would say that just to annoy me.

"Seriously, Eve. You have never changed even after you moved out." My lovely brother commented and I internally groaned. Speak of the devil.

"Gee, thanks for that." I retorted, my voice laced with pure sarcasm.

I crossed my arms and looked towards him while trying to keep up with my glare. But I failed to do so when his presence was here.

Our eyes locked momentarily before his glowing orbs turned pitch black in anger. I was shocked when he marched towards me and glared at the person sitting next to me.

It was Jason, one of the third-in-command's sons. If I wasn't wrong, he was the second youngest among his siblings. Rachel once revealed to me that he had a crush on me back when we were in high school

But, I was uninterested so I never really bothered myself when he tried to vie for my attention countless of times.

Yet, a bulb lit up in my head. I stared at the milkshake in front of me and deliberately smacked it with the back of my hand as it landed on his shorts.

I gasped, quickly grabbing a tissue as I wiped it off for him. "I am sorry, Jason. I didn't mean to."

For a moment, our skin touched and it was all it took for the beast to snap as he marched towards us. His blood red circles staring down at our touching skins.

"Jason, get the hell away from what's mine." He snarled, sending him a glare which caused him to raise a brow mockingly. "What's the problem, Nathan? Afraid that I will steal her heart, instead of a big bully like you?"

Instantly, he curled his fist and grabbed his collar, lifting him up from the seat. "Say that again." He growled with menace, glaring at him as they soon engaged themselves in a heated glaring session.

None of them chose to back down.

Jason cracked a small smile, mock dripping from his words. "Don't worry, Nathan. I will take care of her better than you did." He looked towards me with a huge smile.

I internally groaned, about to say it out loud that he was completely asking for a death wish when Nathan lost control and swung a fist at his face.

Blood oozed out from his fresh wound as he stared up at Nathan with shock and hatred.

"Stay away from what's mine, Jason. Remember who is the Alpha here." He growled before dropping him to the ground. He stood up, dusting off his pants as he glared at Nathan.

He turned to look at me, fondness flickering across his eyes. A growl emitted from Nathan as Jason snapped his eyes towards him before reluctantly moving a few seats away from me.

I bit my lips, trying to suppress my wolf who was cheering excitedly over his possessiveness. I didn't mean to have things turn out this way, but he has to pass through my test before I can consider accepting him.

For now, he has passed the first test.

He sat down beside me, his rage overpowering the whole kitchen in seconds. As if on instinct, I reached over and grabbed his hand, intertwining with his fingers.

He squeezed my fingers tightly as I could feel his anger slowly dissipating. Geez, he really needed to control himself, instead of almost killing Jason.

When dinner began, I continued to let him hold onto my hand in silence. Others were devouring their food hungrily while all we did was to let things stay this way as we held onto each other's hands without speaking a word.

As each seconds passed, I was getting even more hungrier. Finally, I turned to look at him. "Are you calmed down now?" I asked, furrowing my brows in annoyance. He nodded in reply.

A pleasant smile replaced my annoyed features as I muttered, 'good' under my breath and removed my hand from his. "Now I can eat in peace."

At my words, he smirked. "I changed my mind. My anger has yet to die down, you have to hold onto my hand."

With that said, he held onto my hand tightly and began eating his meal with relish. "Who the hell does that?" I muttered under my breath, spewing out a bunch of curses along the way.

A low chuckle came from him as I groaned, turning back to my meal as I devoured it like a hungry wolf.

Without needing a timer, I polished the food cleanly from the plate, making sure that nothing was left behind. Perhaps there was gravy, but it didn't really matter.

What matters was that my empty stomach was filled now and I have never felt this satisfied before. Sure, I missed home, my family and even home-cooked food. But, I did not regret making my decision.

"Why did you eat so fast? Are you that hungry?" Nathan asked as he looked at me in shock. I merely nodded. "My appetite isn't anywhere lower than yours. I thought you should have known that by now."

"What are you trying to imply, Eve? That I will have to feed you if I want to keep you by my side?" I could feel that he was challenging me as his words has gotten more bolder than I thought.

I flipped my hair to the back, mimicking the popular clique who always does that in high school. "That is called satisfying my cravings, idiot. What do you take me for? A pig?" I simply retorted, trying my best to sound as bitchy as I could.

Amusement flickered across his eyes as he continued to stare at me. "I have a feeling that this is a cue for me to shut my gap."

"Smart ass, you should have figured it out early." I stated with a duh tone before standing up as I left for my room. The last thing I heard was a groan coming from him while Piper was laughing so hard.

Care for a run? She suddenly blurted out, wanting to be let free for once. I sighed, knowing that I should let her have control once in a while.

Alright, but no funny business. I warned her with a growl, having a feeling that she was having something up her sleeves. No promises. She let out a wolfy grin, slowly taking control of me.

Alpha Nathan (Werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now