Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"I know you have isolated yourself from the pack business for many years, grandma. But this time, I really need your help." Nathan said, giving her a pleading look.

Grandma remained silent for a moment. "If this an earnest request, I will consider helping you, little one. Now tell me, what do you want?"

"I need you to come back to the pack and become my advisor." I mulled over his words. Usually, the Alpha's father would be appointed as the advisor to guide the new Alpha. But why did he request his grandma to become his advisor instead of his dad?

Unless, there was more than it meets the eye.

"I suppose you have something in mind if you want me to come back as an advisor."

"Yes, grandma. I have secretly formed a group of skilled fighters named, Alpha and they will be under your charge. Reason being, I'm suspecting moles in our pack."

"What makes you think that way, Alpha Nathan?" She asked, sounding serious as she addressed him using the Alpha title. Even though Nathan had yet to undergo the formal ceremony, he was already being treated as one.

So it was natural that his grandma had to address him as Alpha, out of respect.

"For many years, our defence system has been improving to defend against the rogues. However, it looks like someone has been sabotaging our system which allows frequent rogue raids. So right now, other than dad who is already in holiday mode with mom, I can only trust you and Eve." He said, looking at me for the first time ever since we settled down in the study room.

"You can't trust my brother as well?" I blurted out, feeling pretty much offended that he did not trust his own Beta when it comes to such an important matter.

He chuckled, squeezing my hand with reassurance. "Don't worry, he already knows about this. Besides, he has something much more important to handle than to brood over these matters."

"And what is that?" I asked with a raised brow.

"I will tell you everything once the time is ripe."

I really dislike the bad vibe his words were carrying. It feels like something is going to happen to the pack. And, that is the last thing I wanted.


Apparently, grandma has decided to accede to his request and come back to the pack as his advisor. Everyone had no objections since the elder was well-respected by the pack members.

However, it did raise a lot of gossips from the pack members. I had even noticed that Rachel seems a bit off when she learnt of the news. Jessica and Maya, on the other hand, were looking forward to meet her.

Since grandma was coming back as an advisor, a ceremony would be held to welcome her back. On that day, Nathan would also be undergoing the official ceremony and his dad would step down from the Alpha position.

The most nerve-wrecking point? Nathan is going to introduce me as his Luna.

And I was so unprepared. Yes, I was trained since young to fight. But when it comes to pack matters, I know nothing about it.

How am I supposed to assist Nathan in running the pack when I don't even know anything?

Feeling frustrated, I shifted into my wolf and took off running. My paws thumped on the ground steadily with each step I took, bringing me to the place which brings me comfort.

I dove into the water, quickly shifting back to my human form. For a moment, I was submerged in the water where peace surrounds me.

No more noises in the background, it was just myself. I brooded over the Luna title, my freedom being clipped and I was going to take care of the pack members.

What if I can't do it well? What if they hate me of the way I run the pack with Nathan? Many questions flooded my mind as I can't help but to worry about the future.

It sucks that I was the mate of an Alpha.

Suddenly, it was as though there was a shake from the earth, a figure dove into the water. I peeled my eyes open to see Nathan.

In an instant, I was pulled towards him and carried out of the water. I coughed, breathing heavily as I stared at the frown settled on his face.

He did not place me down, instead he continued walking back to the path where I know it leads to the pack house. I sighed, he was going to throw a fit again like last time.

I rested a hand on his cheek, his face not showing any emotions. "Nathan." I called out. To my surprise, he ignored me, giving me the cold, silent treatment.

F*ck, I have messed up big time.

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