Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Waking up the next morning, I examined the mark carefully in front of the mirror. I smiled absentmindedly, tracing the details of the celtic moon mark.

It was breathtaking.

Arms wrapped itself around my waist without warning, my eyes meeting the familiar orbs who possessed my mark on his neck at this moment. Gosh, I wonder what would our parents say when they saw.

My dad would be nodding approvingly at what we have done and my mom would probably gushed over the god damn mark. Perhaps, it was time for me to settle down, knowing that freedom away from this pack would arrive soon.

I leaned against my mate, smiling at him through the reflection.

"What made you smile so happily, babe?" He asked, hugging my figure tightly. My smiled widened, "I'm looking forward to our future after you have handled the rogues."

His smile instantly dropped. It was as though he was deep in thoughts. "What's wrong, Nathan? You know you can always tell me when you have troubles."

He sighed, "Last night, apparently, there were news from my scouts. The mole in our pack was a small, petite figure who was behind the rogues' invasion. Currently, we have 3 dead members who were murdered by them."

"A girl?" I gasped in shock. Who would have the audacity to communicate with the rogues and help them to attack our pack?

"It seems like the only clue we have. The rogues also left a bloodied note on the bodies." He closed his eyes briefly as he tried to process the words on the note.

"Be sure to last through the night of your ceremony." He whispered. When he opened his eyes, they had turned pitch black. He must be furious at the thought that the rogues were hoping he won't live through that night.

Which meant one thing, they were after him.

But why would they be so dumb to leave a note to warn him? Unless, they were using it as a distraction to get something else precious to him. Usually, it would be the mate.

In this case, was it me that they wanted?

"Seems like it." He suddenly said, it was as though he had read my thoughts. My face scrunched up into a frown. "Were you listening to my thoughts?"

He chuckled, "You didn't close the link, babe."

I groaned aloud.

He kissed my mark, sending tingles down my spine. I love how his kisses affects me so badly. "So, what now?" I asked, my mind filled with thoughts about the rogues' possible invasion.

"We will just have to continue the ceremony."

"Do you have a plan in mind?"

He smiled, "Leave it to me to handle, babe. For now, focus on becoming the Luna of the pack."

Immediately, I groaned.


I sat on the desk next to him, my mind currently occupied by the laptop in front of me. His desk was long enough to fit two person so it means that I was sharing the desk with him.

His side of the desk was filled with endless papers and folders piled at one side while mine only has my laptop on it ever since I was done with high school a few months ago.

"Click on the email I sent to you. It's a schedule on what you have to do in my office every week." He pointed out, disrupting me from entering data onto the document.

"Damn, this sucks. I am supposed to enjoy my holidays, you know?" I groaned aloud, whining like a four year old.

He chuckled huskily, leaning in as he pecked my forehead. "I'm sorry, babe. Bear with it until I'm done contributing to this pack. By then, I will take your hands and travel around the world with you."

I smiled, contented to hear that. "Suddenly, I felt so blessed that I'm paired with you, minus our past."

He laughed aloud.

"You should start looking forward to our future. Think about the number of pups you are going to bear for me."

"Don't get me started on that, I'm not forming a football team for you." I pouted, shaking my head at the mere thought. Gosh, imagine that. Little Nathans and Eve running around the house.

"Alright, alright. We will have two. A mini Nathan and a mini Eve."

"That's disastrous. It will be like a cat and a dog fighting." I commented with a playful eye roll. He pinched my cheeks and laughed, "So fast thinking about that?"

"What do you think?"

He pulled me into his arms and smirked, "Does that means we are going to mate soon?" My instant reaction was a look of pure shock.

"Don't even think about it, Nathan!" Gosh, he had the audacity to start the topic. My cheeks would be turning a darker shade of beetroot in less than a minute.

The thought of it was too steamy. I shivered, pushing him away and going back to where I had stopped just now.

"Is someone blushing right now?" He asked the obvious. I turned towards him and glared at him sharply. Immediately, he took it as a cue to shut his gap and went back to his paperwork.

I can't help but to notice a triumph smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes in disbelief.


I have been complaining ever since the day he sent me the god damn schedule. It was full of endless work. Mondays to Wednesdays, I am stuck in the office doing data entry, processing the claims from the respective injured wolves and even managing the finance of the pack.

Thursdays, I would have to meet the members who were injured in the hospital thanks to the frequent rogues attacks and visit the orphanage where the orphans lived in. The orphans were the most pitiful kids in the world. Their parents were either killed by the rogues, committed crimes or ran away from home.

On Fridays, it would be considered the less stressing day of the week as I would be walking around the pack grounds with Nathan to interact with the members and make sure their welfare were taken cared of.

As much as I hated getting involved in pack business, it has become a routine for me in less than two weeks. I was slowly adjusting to this "Luna" job and I learnt about what Nathan had been so preoccupied with all the time.

There was so much work. Damn, it wasn't easy being an Alpha. I had to take my hat off him for being a hardworking Alpha which gets him respected by the pack members at the same time.

Yet, as the ceremony is approaching, I can't help but to have an unsettling feeling about it. I was constantly worrying and thinking about it. It wasn't the pack's safety I was afraid of, seeing as how Nathan has done a great job making sure that they went through the emergency drill practices.

It was the fear of losing him.

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