Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

My eyelids peeled open immediately to see Nathan in front of me as he pulled me up along with him. His arms slung around my waist and my thighs as he lowered me onto one of the stones.

"What the f*ck do you think you are doing?"

My eyes widened incredibly as he lost his temper and raised his voice at me. What the hell was he angry with me about?

I rolled my eyes. "Like you would care, Nathan. Just f*ck off."

I sat up in astonishment when I realised that I was currently naked. Closing my legs, I covered my private areas while trying to maintain my glare.

He sighed, removing his shirt as he handed it to me. I took it from him and raised a brow. "Aren't you going to turn around so that I can change?"

He stood up and turned around, giving me the privacy I needed. When I had made sure that he wasn't looking, I quickly slipped on the shirt.

The first thing that hit me was his scent. The whole shirt reeked of his scent and it was killing me right now.

Dark clouds slowly formed on the skies, sending chills down my spine. It looked like it was about to rain at any moment.

This day just keeps getting worse.

Immediately, I took off and began making my way back to the pack house. Footsteps followed beside me as he kept up with my pace without a question asked. I preferred it this way, just peace and quiet.

A moment later, rain began to pour heavily as we realised that we were stuck in nowhere. "F*ck." I huffed, feeling a tug on my hand as warm fingers pulled me along with him.

I ran behind him, following him to wherever he went without intentionally provoking him. The last thing I wanted was for him to ditch me alone in the rain out of spite.

I also needed to survive.

After running for the next ten minutes or so, we finally reached a shelter. I quickly got in and began to dry my hair to the best that I could.

My eyes peered down to the shirt I was soaked in, pissed off that it was white in color. "Couldn't you have chosen a black tee instead of a white one?" I huffed in frustration, quickly covering my breasts as I closed my legs.

He stared at me, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Whatever, go ahead and laugh at me."

Instead of laughing at me like I have expected, he got off from the ledge and wrapped his arms around my petite figure.

"What the f*ck-" I was cut off by his lips pressed against my neck. "Just shut the f*ck up and stay in this position. I won't look at you, I will just sit by your side until the rain stops."

I froze instantly, still shocked at his bold move. "You have gotten more bolder than I thought."​​​​

"No, I didn't. I'm just trying to be more gentle than I used to." I tsked under my breath. "I knew that it was the mate bond. Without it, you wouldn't have endured my bullshit."

At my words, he seemed to have frozen instantly as he pulled away. My wolf whimpered at the lack of mate's touch while I scoffed in response with an effortless eye roll.

He turned his back on me, leaving me hanging. Usually, he would have rebutted by now. "Hey." I nudged him, trying to get a reaction from him. He, however, remained stone cold, unmoving at all.

Oh shit, what have I done?

I gulped, parting my lips. "Whoa, don't tell me that you are angry because of what I have said? I am sorry, I take it all back, okay?" When he still remained quiet after a moment, I started to panic.

I really hate silence.

To me, it meant that he would rather talk to himself than to me. Wait, why would I even bother so much whether he gave a shit about me?

Shouldn't I be feeling rejoiced by now?

"You're right, Eve." He said, suddenly turning around as his eyes bore holes through my skull. "Without the mate bond, I wouldn't have even tried in the first place."

His brows were instantly pulled into a frown as he spoke the next sentence. "But now, I'm sick and tired of trying something that will never work."

With that said, he stood up and shifted into his wolf form as he ran off in the pouring rain. And just like that, he ditched me in the shelter after spouting words that I have been waiting to hear.

But, why don't I feel any happiness at all?

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