Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

My pen steadily moved as I solved the question which I have been staring for the past hour. Mathematics always makes my life a living hell.

With my tendency to procrastinate, it doesn't help either. I looked towards the pile of homework awaiting me as I sighed, quickly grabbing my calculator.

Punching the buttons of the calculator hard, I tried to find an answer to my question but failed to solve it correctly. I groaned and sucked in a deep breath, deciding that I needed to take a breath.

There was a knock on the door, followed by the door creaking open as my brother peered into the room.

"It's dinner time, mom is calling you to come down." I nodded, chucking my homework aside as I got up from my desk.

I stretched my stiff limbs, groaning aloud. Sitting down on my seat, I leaned my chin against my fisted knuckles as I closed my eyes sleepily.

"Had a rough day in school, honey?" Mom's sweet, soothing voice asked. I answered back, not peeling my eyelids open. "The amount of homework is killing me. I just want to sleep for the rest of the night."

She chuckled lightly as she placed something in front of me. The aroma of ramen filled my nostrils as I sighed as though I was in heaven.

The one thing I needed now was certainly a good meal to recharge my energy.

I snapped my eyes open immediately and dug in, slurping in an unladylike manner. "Oh my god, this is heavenly, mom." I muttered under my breath, filling my starving stomach to my greatest content.

"Chill, you are eating like a hungry wolf." My brother butted in while I glared at him. "Excuse me, I am in a phase where I will snap at someone if I don't get my stomach filled with food."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"Shut up and eat your ramen." I snapped as I continued to stuff the thin noodles into my mouth. "Mhm, this is so good." I groaned in delight, bringing up the bowl to my mouth as I finished up the soup.

Slamming the bowl onto the table, I leaned against my seat and sighed in relief. I burped in an unladylike manner, covering my lips as I looked towards the jerk who was laughing at me.

"Shut up, idiot." I snarled, taking the bowl in my hands as I stood up.

I returned back to my room and slammed my head against the surface of the desk. Homework again. I sighed, picking up the book where I last stopped and stared at it through droopy eyelids.

"Need help?" It was a voice belonging to someone whom I knew very well. Besides, the scent drifting up to my nostrils has already revealed who it was.

"I am turning it down, get out of my room." I replied, not turning around.

He sighed, "Are you still mad about what happened this afternoon?" He took a seat on my bed which got me annoyed incredibly. I was already frustrated with my homework and he just had to force himself into my life.

I placed my book down and turned to look at him. "Can you just get the f*ck out of my room and do your things, instead of coming here? You do know that your presence is really bothersome, right?" I snapped, sarcasm dripping from my words.

Hurt flickered across his eyes as he continued to look at me. "Does my existence really mean nothing to you?" I rolled my eyes in response. "The bully has the cheek to say that. Don't you treat me as a pest in the past as well?"

He stood up. "You said it was all in the past. Can't a bully change his ways?"

What he said was true as well. He has not been bullying me anymore. He has even apologised to me which was something he has never done. But, I can't help but to hold doubts about him.

It was because of the mate bond that he was treating me as a human. He only wanted a heir for his lineage. What the f*ck? I was almost duped by his lies.

I stood up, snorting in reply.

"A bully changing his ways? I have heard of it. But you, I don't think so. You only treated me as a human being because I am your mate. Without me, you won't have a heir for your lineage. You think I am that stupid?"

"What?" He demanded, hurt and disappointment visible in his voice. I crossed my arms with confidence, even though I knew that he was visibly shaking in anger right now.

When he was in anger, he would do anything. But I don't care at this moment. It was time for me to stand up for myself whether he liked it or not.

The door slammed open, followed by a growl. "Enough." Immediately, I turned around to see the Alpha standing by the doorway with a piercing glare.

"I think it's best if the both of you talk properly like mature adults instead of raising your voices in the pack house."

I gulped, the whole pack must have heard our conversation. The fact that I am his mate was already revealed to the whole world. Oh god, how was I supposed to face the pack now?

We sat down in the living room with the adults sitting beside us.

"Honey, why didn't you tell us that Nathan is your mate?" Mom asked as she rested a hand on my shoulder. My eyes rested on the jerk the entire time as I replied, "Because I felt ashamed that he is my mate."

His eyes hardened, jaws clenching in anger. I glared at him with a mix of hate and anger.

"Why do you feel ashamed of my son being your mate?" The Alpha asked coolly, though he was actually in a rage without showing it.

To him, his son was just like his pride. Only if he knew how he has been treating me, maybe he would even reconsider his decision of handing him the pack.

I replied with a gentle shrug. "He has been bullying me for my entire life. For the two years he was gone, I have finally found the peace which I wanted. But the moment he came back, he turned my life upside down again."

He looked towards his son with a hardened gaze. "Is this true?"

The jerk surprisingly nodded his head in acknowledgement. I glanced sideways to notice shocked expressions spread across my parents' face.

I smirked, "Have you finally decided to listen to your daughter when she used to say that she was always being bullied by the Alpha's son? That he wasn't doting on your daughter, but was verbally and physically bullying your daughter for her entire life?"

They looked at me, completely speechless.

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