Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I waited for him to sit down, my hands busy making him comfortable. I set a clean towel over his pants and poured water in the basin where his feet rested.

My hands reached out for his left foot as I began to massage it. My knuckles made contact with his bare foot as I applied pressure on it.

I started out slow, letting him adjust to the pressure. He groaned in delight, throwing his head to the back. A smug smile was tugged on my lips as I applied more pressure on his foot.

His groans went louder as his eyes peeled open, looking at me in shock. I kept the smile this whole time, my eyes watching him as my knuckles busied itself, bringing immense pain for him.

"Can't you go any softer?" He wheezed out, holding a pained expression. I simply replied, "I know what I am doing. Feeling immense pain is normal, sir."

Smugly, I applied even more pressure on his bare foot. I watched as his screams filled the centre, many heads whipped towards us in surprise.

He covered his face with his palms and clenched his jaws tightly. I withheld my urge to laugh, focusing on my task at hand. This was my revenge.

"Okay, okay. I am done." He suddenly said, making me pause as I watched him getting out of his seat. He limped his way to the counter and paid for the service before walking out of the centre.

He groaned in pain as he exited, holding on to his leg.

I shook my head, laughing at the sight. Finally, I have gotten my revenge. He has bullied me for my entire life, now it's my turn to return the favor.

But this time, it will be ten times more.


Even thinking about it made me laugh out loud. I sat down on the dinner table, waiting for the rest to join us for dinner. "What is so funny that got you laughing?" Mom asked, raising a brow in amusement.

I smirked, "I did something that I have been wanting to do for a long time."

"Mhm, I don't like the sound of that." She pointed out, looking at me skeptically. I shrugged casually, winking. "You will know in due course, mom."

A groan erupted from behind as I turned around to see Nathan limping his way towards us. Alpha followed beside him as they took their seats at the top of the table.

He took his seat opposite me while I bit my lips to stop the urge from laughing again. Instead, I covered my face and looked away, trying my best not to laugh.

"Evelyn, are you laughing?" Alpha Vincent asked. I raised my head to face him and shook my head. "No, I am not, Alpha." I replied coolly, looking towards Nathan as he glared at me.

He must have figured out that I was exacting my revenge on him.

I rolled my eyes in response, watching as my brother walked down the stairs as he bro-fisted Nathan. I looked away, playing with my spoon. "How's your leg, dude?" He asked while I stopped playing and tried not to laugh.

"Seriously, Eve. What's wrong with you? You have been laughing since just now." My brother asked, looking mildly pissed off.

I looked up, shooting him an innocent look. "Mhm, I will tell you once I have figured out what's wrong with me." I casually shrugged.

He shook his head and sat down beside him while I looked towards Nathan who was staring at me intensely. I ignored his intense stare and played with my spoon.

A dish was placed before me as the rest began to eat. I ate my meal, finding today's dinner better than any other day. Maybe I was in a happy mood, that's why.

Throughout the whole dinner, I felt holes burning through my skull, knowing that it was him. But I chose to ignore it and ate in a comfortable silence.

Cleaning my lips with a napkin, I brought my plates along with me and placed them in the sink as I washed it. Drying them, I stacked them on the racks and made my way to the stairs.

I might as well lay on my bed and chill for the night. Tonight, I will be able to sleep well.

As I entered my room, the door suddenly closed behind me. I turned around to see him entering my room with a piercing glare.

I gulped, taking a few steps back until my leg hit the bed. I gasped when I was pinned against the bed. He released a low growl, his intimidating orbs still staring at me.

"Nathan." I gasped, feeling his breath fanning my face. My heart somehow raced abnormally. I must be mad by now, what the hell was he doing to me?

"What are you doing to me?" He whispered, his lips touching my skin gently. My eyes widened as I pushed him away immediately.

"Get the f*ck away, Nathan." I growled, my eyes turning pitch black in anger. I rolled off the bed and shot up, crossing my arms in rage.

His hand touched my shoulder while I flinched slightly in response. He would touch my shoulder and apply pressure on it, making me yield in front of him if it was years ago.

No way in hell will that happen again.

"Don't touch me." I snarled, removing his hand from my shoulder in disgust. His hand fell off my shoulder as he sighed, his breathing hastened.

His arms wrapped itself around my waist while I gasped in shock. "F*ck off, Nathan." I hissed in anger, struggling against his iron grip.

He sighed, "Eve, stop struggling." He continued to hold me despite my desperate wishes to get the hell away from him. He have no f*cking right to touch me.

"Would you just f*ck off?" I whined, kicking his leg as he yelped, grabbing it. I escaped from his hold and glared at him menacingly.

"Let me repeat again if you have forgotten, Nathan. You and I can never work things out." I hissed in anger, pushing him out of my room.

"And you better stay the f*ck away from me." I screamed, slamming the door in his face.

Alpha Nathan (Werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now