Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I started out with a short sprint out of the house, followed by a long run while heading towards the forests. I allowed Piper to take over as my feet switched to burgundy paws, my steps slow and steady.

I watched from the sidelines as Piper soared past the narrow lake expertly, giving me a glance of the reflection of her burgundy coat before continuing her run around the forests. I could see that she was enjoying herself.

It sucks to be trapped inside your body with your stubborn thoughts of not accepting our mate. She stated upon listening to my thoughts. Of course, it's only fair that I get to enjoy myself while I can.

I snorted in reply at her words. It made me sound like a heartless human.

You are. She replied and I internally groaned.

Without warning, she suddenly skidded to a stop. What's wrong? I asked, already began to feel wary of what was going to happen.

Of course, I wasn't worried that Piper wouldn't be able to handle the intruder herself. But I was more worried that she would get hurt in any way.

As much as we had so many differences, we were still connected as one. I can't live without her, neither can she. Don't worry, Eve. I will make sure to live longer than you. She could still joke at this crucial period. Wonderful.

A large brown wolf appeared from the bushes, eyes glowing in shades of golden circles. An Alpha. But, why do I have a feeling that this wolf was so familiar.

Our eyes met, giving me a sense of familiarity. It was as if I have already met him.

He's our mate, you mutt. Piper grumbled as she rolled her eyes. I chuckled in embarrassment before my senses kicked in. Wait, what the hell was he doing here?

Oh no, was this the bad feeling that I had ever since I allowed her to take over? I have an unsettled feeling that things were going downhill if I continued to let her take control.

Shift back immediately, Piper. I warned her. Her silver circles glowed brightly as she shook her head. No way am I going to shift now, Eve. We just met our mate, Noah.

Noah? I questioned warily, raising a brow in astonishment. Noah is his wolf?

Yeah, and he's so intriguing just like how I have expected him to be. She fan-girled over this so-called wolf who was our mate.

Instead of spoiling her encounter with our mate, I kept silent and allowed her to do whatever she wants as long as she f*cking stays out of trouble.

The last thing I wanted was to find my wolf mated to Noah when I have yet to settle scores with Nathan. The mating ritual can be kept off till later.

I watched as she approached him and gently rubbed her snout against his neck in an intimate way. Envy was already settling in the pit of my stomach.

He playfully flipped us over and gently tasted us as if we were the sweetest thing he had ever tasted. Seriously, does male wolves ever do that to their own mates? I have never heard of it from my parents before.

I wondered if they experienced the same thing as well.

Slowly, I took control and felt myself shifting back to human form while he did the same. He was above me as he stared into my eyes.

"Staring at me like that isn't going to help, Nathan. Why don't you keep your weight off me, can't you see that I am dying here?" I remarked sarcastically.

He chuckled, bending down as he kissed my forehead which caught me with surprise. He rolled over and stood up, disappearing out of nowhere.

I slowly sat up, wondering where he went when he suddenly reappeared with a t-shirt in his hand. He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts this time which was a huge relief.

I am still a god damn virgin.

He handed me the t-shirt wordlessly while I raised a brow. "Aren't you going to turn around so that I can change?" I stated the obvious.

He smirked. "I would prefer to see my woman changing instead."

"Fat chance. Besides, I haven't forgiven you fully yet." I reminded, getting up to my feet as I pulled the t-shirt over my head, letting it flow down to my thighs where it hid all my private parts.

He pulled my body towards his broad chest, practically squashing me. He looked into my eyes which were filled with hurt. "Can't you see that I am trying?"

I looked away. "I do, but you just can't get me to forgive you overnight for the hurt you have inflicted on me for the past years."

Turning to meet his orbs, I found myself soften just by staring at it. "I need more time."

He nodded, letting his hands fall back to his sides as he looked away. I turned his jaws to face me instead. "But first, you will have to endure with my attitude." I stated, looking into his eyes solemnly as my lips tilted up into a sly smirk.

"Am I going to see more sides of that?"

I brushed past him and smiled. "Depends."

We began walking back to the pack house, none of us saying something as we chose to keep quiet. I focused on the surroundings instead, watching as the fallen leaves were crushed under my feet.

My eyes flickered towards him as I noticed him looking like he was in deep thoughts. "Care to say what is bothering you?" I asked, causing him to snap his eyes up at me in awe.

"What?" I grumbled, already disliking the judgmental look he was throwing at me. "You look like as if you have never seen the caring side of me."

He stopped in his tracks, lifting his hand to caress my face as he chuckled with sheer amazement. "I'm just amazed that you are actually giving this a try."

He trailed his thumb across my lips, slowly leaning in as his hot breath mixed with mine. He was just a few inches away from kissing my lips when I gently planted my index finger on his lips.

"Whoa there, since when did I allow you to touch me, much less kiss my lips? You are still not forgiven yet." I teased, leaving him hanging as I spun around and walked past the front door.

Another frustrated growl emitted from him as my lips tilted up into a smirk.

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