Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Sitting crossed legged on my bed, I felt another sneeze coming as I covered my nose with the same tissue which I have been using for the past ten minutes.

I was down with a cold after the rain a few days ago.

God damn it, he really left me after those words. But he wasn't that heartless enough since he brought back a few men to escort me back to the pack house.

After that day, he never talked to me. He wouldn't even look at me in the eye. I have never felt so terrified in my life before. I was actually afraid that he would never speak to me anymore.

I hate this feeling a lot.

Ahh~ choo...

I was so done with life.

A knock on the door made me look up as I muttered a soft 'come in'. Did I mention that I have lost my voice as well? Well, look at what the rain has done to my body.

When there was no response, I climbed out of the bed and opened the door. There was no one in the doorway, just a tray with a glass of a weird mixture.

I sniffed it and it smelled like a herbal medicine.

I picked it up and decided to drink it, finishing it with nothing left behind. I left it on the ground and hopped back to my bed as I laid on it for the rest of the day.


It seems to me that the herbal medicine has done something to my body that I didn't feel sickly the whole day. It was so effective.

But I have yet to find out who has left the drink by the door. My mom, dad and my brother denied it, so it wasn't them. Who the hell was the one who left it there?

A snap of fingers snapped me out of my train of thoughts as I looked up without a clue. "Are you even listening, Eve? We are going to perform on the prom night."

"What? Prom night?" I gasped, suddenly feeling wary that time was going so fast that I completely forgot that I was going to move out soon.

The thought of moving out still stayed in my head, but leaving Nathan seems wrong. Even though I should be feeling elated right now that I was going to leave him and start my own life, however, my heart was against my wishes this time.

Even my wolf was silently agreeing with my heart. What has that jerk done to me?


My heart almost leapt out upon seeing the showroom flat in front of my eyes. This was the perfect flat that I have seen so far and I was already falling in love.

"Is this flat the right one for you, miss?" My property agent, Max asked. I nodded in excitement, smiling at him in glee. "I will take this one. If it's possible, I would like to move in next week."

"No problems, miss. I will settle all the paperwork for you and you will be able to move in to your new home next week." He said, shaking hands with me with a broad smile.

As I climbed up the steps to the door, the door was suddenly pulled open as my mom was shaking her head at me. "Your dad found out about you purchasing a new flat, he is hopping mad right now."

I sighed, walking past her as I sat down on the couch opposite my dad and my brother. My dad was currently fuming mad as what mom has described.

"Evelyn Carter, I want you to refund the payment immediately." He said, emphasizing my full name. When he uses my full name, things never went well.

"But dad, I have already mentioned that I am moving out. Why can't you see that I am not happy being here?"

"Happy or not, your mate is here and this is your home." He stated through gritted teeth while I rolled my eyes in frustration. "Do you know why I wanted to move out of this hellhole?"

"It is partly because of Nathan, and partly because of you guys. You guys just won't see how much I have been suffering living in here. You guys just can't get it through your head that your daughter isn't happy. So, why can't you be more open-minded and let me go?"

"How dare you lecture me! I am your dad." He bellowed, raising his voice at me while I continued to glare at him, holding onto my stand. I am not going to crumble in front of him.

"A dad would be able to see how his daughter has been suffering alone, and would embrace her with his fatherly love. But you are not, and you will never be a dad of mine." I spat out in anger, shooting up from my seat as I rushed back to my room.

I was so pissed off that my own dad was not supportive of me like how any other dad would be. I hate my life, I was so done with everything about this pack.

What would it be like if I was just an ordinary human?

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