Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

It was girl's night today and we were having a sleepover at Jessica's house. However, Rachel couldn't make it so it was just the three of us spending the night.

Maya was painting her fingernails while Jessica was munching away on her chips. I laid down on the bed like a puppy and sighed, brows creased in worry.

"What's making you sigh for the nth time?" Jessica asked with her mouth full of chips.

"Is it because of the recent rogue attacks?" Maya asked, not looking up from painting her nails. "How did you know?" I asked in alarm.

"Oh, Rachel told me. She sounded so calm when she talked about it though, which was weird when her brother was injured in the process of catching those rogues."

"Yeah, and during the night when it happened, she wasn't at home." Jessica added with a shrug.

That hit me instantly. Small, petite figure who helped the rogues to get past the security.

"How did you know she wasn't home, Jessica?" I asked.

"I was supposed to pass her back the dress I borrowed from her last week, but she wasn't home when I visited that night. Gosh, I can't believe I was out in the night when the rogues attacked." Jessica replied with eyes wide.

"Oh my gosh, that was so scary. What if the rogues attacked you?" Maya told her off like how a sister would, making Jessica pout instead.

I stared at the wall opposite me with eyes wide. Why did she do that?

I know I should be telling all of these clues to Nathan, but Rachel is my best friend. I have to know the reason behind her helping those rogues. Maybe she was threatened or forced to do it.

I will have to follow her to find out.


I hid myself behind the bushes, waiting for Rachel to come out of her house. I needed answers before I let Nathan know. The only thing that worries me is she is doing all of these willingly.

That would be the worst betrayal.

Boots hit the grass as a petite figure came out of the house.


She looked around her surroundings and walked towards the forests. I followed closely behind her, careful not to let my cover blow. She kept walking and managed to get past the security.

It was the changing shift hour.

She must have been able to get past the security that night during this hour as well. Bright as ever, Rachel. I walked and walked, finding myself away from the pack into an open territory.

Ahead of us was a deserted building.

She finally stopped and looked around the surroundings once more before tapping on the door. The door swung open, revealing a guy in blonde. He hugged her tightly and kissed her.

The smell of rogue.

The rogue she was helping must be her mate. It only meant one thing, she was blinded by the mate bond and was helping him willingly.

Oh, Rachel. Why?

I watched as she entered the hut with a smile lingering on her lips.

Tears ran down my cheeks at the betrayal as I left the place, running back to the pack house. Rachel betrayed the pack for her rogue mate, betraying me in the process.

I felt my head hit a chest, groaning tiredly as I looked up. Nathan was staring at me with concern. "What happened, babe?" He asked, wiping away my tears.

I wrapped my arms around him and cried in pain, betrayal. He carried me into our room and set me down on the bed. He rocked me on his laps gently, soothing me with kisses.

He kept quiet, letting me have my space while staying with me through the night. Knowing he was there made me at ease. But the betrayal was too much for me to handle.

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