Chapter One

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A friend once told me this about Walt Disney:

"We are blessed to have had such a man exist. To create something so wonderful."

This story is dedicated to Anna, for she was the person to introduce me into the world of books.


Percy's POV

"Finally, vacation." Annabeth says. She grabs a book out of her bag and starts to read in the passenger seat.

"What are you reading there?" I ask.

"Harry Potter." She replies.

"Again?" I ask. She is obsessed with those books.

"Yes Percy, again." Annabeth rolls her eyes and continues reading.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Piper asks. She was a little too excited.

"No Piper. We have about an hour drive left. Unless you want me to speed and get pulled over."

"You know I still think its weird how Chiron reacted when we said we were all going to Disney."

"Maybe because a group of 8 half-bloods have a strong scent." Hazel says.

"No. I see what Annabeth means. He had this weird look on his face." Jason says.

"But Disney is different. There is so much happiness in the parks that no monsters can get in. It's like an evil repellent." Annabeth says.

"Well, I don't really care. All I want to do is ride some rides!" Leo says while jumping up and down in his seat.

"Well I wanna see the DHIs." Frank adds.

"Oh! I remember reading about that! The Disney Host Interactive."

"The Disney what?" I ask.

"Disney Host Interactive or DHIs are teenage hosts. 5 teenagers were modeled and they made holograms of themselves. So now the holograms are in each park but what's cool about them is that they are tour guides. They give you a tour of the park." Annabeth explains. She goes on and on about the technology and how incredible it is.

"Look! We're here!" Nico says.

We all cheer as we pass the huge Welcome to Walt Disney World! sign. We pull up to our hotel and tackle each other to get out of the van. We go into the lobby, get our key and go to our rooms. We got two rooms that have a door to connect rooms. One was for the girls and the other is for the boys. We unloaded our things and got cleaned. By then it was 8 p.m. so we all headed to bed. Have 5 boys and 2 beds didn't work out. Leo and Jason got the two beds while Nico took the couch and me and Frank took the floor. I finally fell asleep and started having a nightmare.

I found myself on a hard, stone ground. I stood up. I looked around to see that even though I have never been to Disney, I was in the Magic Kingdom. It was nighttime and there was no one to be seen. That's when things got weird. Suddenly, a kid shows up out of nowhere. He wore jeans, sneakers and a black hoodie. He sat up and ran to a gift shop. He hid behind one of the bench. He had green eyes and brown hair. That's when another teen appeared. She had on a white night gown. She had blue eyes and straight blonde hair. She looked like someone from a magazine. Even in pajamas! Then 2 more appeared. One a girl and one a boy. The girl looked Asian or Native American. She had dark hair and dark eyes. She was wearing a black tee with black cargo pants and boots. The boy was African American and was wearing almost the same exact thing as the first boy. They all went to the bench the first boy was hiding behind. Then the scene faded. Next I saw a girl with strawberry blonde hair. I was in a bedroom. I watched as the girl drew something in a notebook. The girl was sweating and wasn't even looking at what she was drawing. A girl with brown hair on the top bunk looked down at her. She started to talk.

"Another one?" The girl on the top said. The girl on the bottom laid the notebook on her lap to where I could see it. I gasped. There I saw a picture of me with a sword above my head, about to stab a boy I knew. The boy that I first saw appear in the Magic Kingdom.

I shoot straight up, sweat dripping down my face. I wiped it off and checked the time. 8:02 a.m. Perfect. I turned on the bathroom sink a filled a cup up with water. I took the cup and concentrated. The water turned into a small orb and I aimed it at Leo. I dropped the orb on him. Leo started screaming. Instantly, everyone woke up.

"Rise and shine!" I said. When I pulled back the curtains, sunlight filled the room. The guys all groaned. Since I was the first up, I got to clean myself up and put a fresh new pair of clothes on before everyone else. After packing my backpack, I knocked on the girl's door. Annabeth opened it, wide awake and ready for the day. I looked around her to see all the girls ready to go. Beds made and suitcases all unpacked and organized. I cringed at the boys' mess of a room.

"Who's ready to go to the Magic Kingdom?" Piper says excitedly.

"Not me." Leo says standing up. From his hair to the front on his shirt he was soaked. The girls started to laugh at the hilarious sight.

"Hurry up Repair Boy." Piper says. Leo runs into the bathroom to get dried off.

"Hey Percy?" Annabeth asks.

"Can I talk to you real fast?"


She dragged me into the hallway to where we could be in private.

"So... how was your sleep?" She asked.

"Umm... normal?" She punches me in the shoulder.

"You know what I mean! Did you have any weird dreams?"

"Yeah... wait... why? Did you have a dream?" Annabeth leans against the wall. I follow and lean next to her.

"I was in the Magic Kingdom and out of nowhere the Evil Queen pops out." Annabeth says while staring at a picture of Ariel on the opposite wall.

"Oh. Okay. So what happened next?"

"So she started to talk. To me! It sounded like a spell."

"So what did she say?"

"Umm... it was like this:

Beware Daughter of Wisdom,

For one shall fall,

Neither friend nor foe,

But the leader of them all,

If you try to save him,

Know one thing,

You boyfriend Percy Jackson,

Will never return to his normal being.

What do you think?"

"I think it's creepy the Evil Queen knows my name. And that she knows you. AND that something is about to happen. Why can't we have a normal vacation?" I slide down the wall. Annabeth does the same.

"Do you hear that?" She asks me.

"Hear what?"

"Footsteps. It sounds likes people are running." We both stand up. That's when two teenagers come running around the corner. One had red hair, and had a thumb drive? I gasp at the other kid. That's the one in my dream! And the drawing! They pass us and I turn back to where they came from. There stood two hyenas. But they weren't chasing the two boys anymore. They both were staring straight at Annabeth and me.

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