Chapter Fifteen

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Third Person POV

"Something's not right." Rachel said, looking down at the dark Magic Kingdom.

"Something never right here." Jess stated.

"Leo, are you sure no one can see us?" worriedly, Rachel asked.

"Both Hazel and Amanda covered it with enough Mist to hid all of Greece. We're fine Rachel. Remember what ship you're on." Leo grinned madly.

"I know the Argo III is way more updated that the last one but I just have a horrible feeling in my stomach."

"It's called nerves, honey. Just be Taylor Swift." Leo started singing a horrible cover of Shake It Off. Jess started laughing when Leo attempted Hip Hop dancing which ended in a giant bruise and Leo sticking to the Macarena. Rachel just turned back to the side of the ship and sighed.

"Do you even remember the plan Leo?" Jess asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Once we see them, AKA Team Katniss," Jess gave him a look, "fire the flaming arrow, my favorite arrow since I know you wanted to know," Jess shot him another look, "we come down. Until then we wait."

Rachel turned around. "And we are also to watch the security camera until Philby shuts them down which no one is doing."

"Sheesh. Don't get you're panties in a twist." Leo raised his arms in defense.

"Sorry, I'm just stressed."

"It's okay. We all are." Jess said with sympathy.

"I'm not." Leo mumbled, earning a hard punch in the arm from Jess.

"Ow! You shocked me!" Leo whined.

"Suck it up."

They all felt a small vibration and pulled out their phones.

OTs trying to distract us with train 2 surround us. Do NOT pursue the train.

"Huh?" Jess questioned.

"I guess the OTs are thinking the same way we are." Leo answered.

"That's why!" Rachel suddenly exclaimed, causing the other two to jump in surprise.

"What?" Jess asked.

"Why the air feels weird and why you shocked Leo. There's a storm brewing."

Everyone looked around. They all had just noticed the once fluffy white clouds in the night sky suddenly turned grey as if by magic. In a flash, there was a loud bang and they were falling.

A fire broke out on the side of the flying ship. The lightning that had hit was no ordinary bolt. Emergency alarms were blaring on the ship, drowning out the cries of three dying teens.


Frank's POV

Everything looked so small from up in the castle. I leaned against the wall in Tinkerbell's area in the top of Cinderella's Castle. There was a giant zip line coming from the room where Tinkerbell would fly down.

"Okay, so Finn said once he texts us the keyword, we are to shoot the arrow, meet up with Piper, Anna, and Amanda in Walt's Apartment, and then go down." Thalia said, finally arriving. "Gods, I hate it up here." She mumbled.

"Why?" Will asked while he sharpened one of his Celestial Bronze arrows.

"Oh! Umm . . . I'd just rather be on the battlefield." She laughed nervously and turned away, which convinced no one.

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