Chapter Nine

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Yo! So as I said in the last chapter, I have an important announcement. This story will be split in half. So it'll be two stories. This one will finish with a cliffhanger and once it's done, I'll have a break so I can write the second story. So when the last chapter is finished for this story, know this is not the end. But this story will leave off with a lot of big questions that will be answered and concluded in the second story. The second's title will be "Our Final Stand" and it's the final book/part two of this one, "The End of Disney". I am estimating that the last book will be about 30 chapters long. In future chapters, (the last chapter aka chapter 15) I will announce the summary for "Our Final Stand". So as a special treat, here is the full summary!

"The End of Disney"

Prophecies have been spoken. Friendships have stayed unbroken. But now two different worlds collide. And both have to be allied. Light and Half-Bloods rise together as one. The fight to finally destroy the Overtakers will have begun. But all must beware a close friend. Who it may just be their lives end. One can try, but nobody can save everyone. Only the fates decide when their time has come. When all you can do is stare and watch your friend die, will you save them and pay the ultimate prize? Only the magic will lead you on, To fight or Disney shall be gone.


Vermont State House

Annabeth's POV

We walk down the long hallway. Along the way, I admire the architecture. The walls were a light blue and there were painting all down the hallway. The floor board was beautiful with all the detail and the carpet was a gorgeous blood red. I snap out of my wonderland and start playing attention to where I'm going. One door... two doors... ah ha! I slow down and stop at the two open oak french doors. We walk into the chamber and all gasp at the site. It's magnificent! Now Annabeth, concentrate on the task at hand, I think to myself. Suddenly, I feel a cool chill fill the air. And let me tell you, after what happened in the past with cold chills, I don't like them at all. I shake it off the feeling. I'll just figure it out later.

"Okay, act natural. Like a tourist." I whisper to the girls and we start looking. There are 3 other people in the room with us to our right. An elderly couple and a woman. The couple had portable cameras out taking pictures and the woman was looking straight at something. She had on white gloves, a long black trench coat and a huge black hat. I couldn't see her face. I believe she may of saw me looking at her because she quickly left the room. The chill dissapeared. I got a sneaky suspicion that she isn't a lady. Most likely a monster.

"Okay, split up." I whisper to everyone.

"Splitting up basically means we are 3 feet from each other. There is not a lot of room." Willa whispers back.

"Still, it looks more natural." I send back and walk off to were the lady was standing. The furthest spot to the right. I look around and see nothing of interest. Now what was that lady staring at? I look to where I believe she was staring and gasp. There it is!

"That looks magical." I say, indicating that I had spotted it. Amanda walks over first with a camera in one hand and the building's pamphlet in the other. Then comes Willa and Hazel.

"Where is it?" Hazel whispers. I point towards the ground in the back right. They nod and walk off again to look natural. About ten minutes later, I walk up to them.

"Let's take a break so we can eat." I say loud enough for people to hear. They nod and smile, knowing what I was doing.

We walk out of the room and back to the entrance. We walk outside and sit on one of the steps that leads up to the building's entrance. I pull out four peanut butter sandwiches and pass them out.

The End of Disney (Percy Jackson & Kingdom Keepers)Where stories live. Discover now