Chapter Seven

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Willa's POV

Oh. My. Gosh. From the hill, you could see the whole camp. It was beautiful. There were cabins shaped in a rectangle and some off to the side. Each cabin looked different. Then there was this 4 story house and a dinning pavilion. Which had no roof. Then an arena, a huge climbing wall with lava? And so much more. It was spectacular. Besides the fact, we couldn't get in.

"I, Annabeth Chase, give permission for Finn, Willa, Charlene, Philby, Maybeck, Jess, and Amanda to enter camp." Annabeth said. I took a step forward and there wasn't a boundary anymore.

"Well, at least we know you guys aren't demigods. That means you parents are your true parents." Percy says. I looked over at Jess and Amanda, whose head had slightly fallen. I felt sorry for them.

"Well, let's give you all a tour then get down to business." Annabeth says.

They took us around the camp, which it's called Camp Half Blood. They explained the cabins and stuff like that. After the tour, they took us up to the 4 story house, which they call The Big House. On the porch was a man in a wheelchair and a guy in a zebra print shirt, holding a diet coke right next to him.

The zebra diet coke guy started talking. "Why are mortals in this camp? They shall be executed! Leave now or I'll-"

"Now now Dionysus, I'm sure they have an explanation." Interrupted the other guy.

"Wait, Dionysus, as in the god of wine?" Philby asked.

"No, as in the old extinct reptile. Yes I'm Dionysus!"

"By the way, that's a dinosaur." Philby said. I giggle. Hey! Nerds can be funny too!

"Why I outta-"

"I must say, its odd that you guys found 7 mortals that can see through the mist. Oh excuse me. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Chiron." The other guy interrupted again.

"Cool! Aren't you the guy who trained Jason?" I asked. I love mythology. It's one of my favorite things to learn!

"Why yes, I am."

There were gasps around the room from our group.

"So why are you here?" Chiron asked.

"We are trying to find something. Here," Finn said and he handed Chiron the blue note. Chiron read it and nodded. "I see." He handed the note back to Finn.

"And since we encountered them on their, journey, and the note talks about demigods, we decided to help them. We figured out that bones can be dice and dice is another way to say Dike, we wanted to go to Vermont to check out the architecture there that has Dike in it." Piper says.

"Okay, but what about the finding the magic?"

"We don't know that yet." Finn says.

"But Wa- he handed that note to you Finn. So maybe it's you who needs to figure it out." Charlene says. There was silence.

"I think she's right." Amanda says.

"Thank you!" Charlene responds.

"But what does it mean? I mean, we all know about magic and stuff but magic inside of you?" I say. I wonder if it has to do with Disney or Greek mythology. Because both subjects have magic. I hear a loud bang. I turn around to see Jess on the floor in a ball.

"JESS!" Amanda screams and runs to her.

"Pen... pappeerrr..." she mutters. Amanda dugs through Jess's bag and pulls out Jess's journal and pencil. She hands it to Jess.

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