Chapter Five

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Real fast, sorry for the tense of the words. I wrote these chapters awhile ago and in further chapters I went with past tense but these can be in present tense or both.


Jess POV

"Thank the gods it's not just me!" Piper says.

"It's happening to you too?!" Annabeth asked Piper.

"Hello?" I said, trying to get their attention.

"Ya, it sounds like there is a cheerleader stuck in my head!" Piper exclaims.

"I know right? It is annoying the Hades out of me." Annabeth said.

"HELLO?!" I finally yelled. Everyone went silent. "Did you all not just hear Finn say Oh no?" I asked. They shook their heads. I look over at Finn who is staring at Amanda in the eyes. She is staring back. They are both pale and have scared looks on their faces.

"What's a matter?" Hazel asks.

"Umm... well, when Overtakers are around, sometimes they can make people think and say rhymes. It has happened to Finn when I was with him at the skating park and Jess and Greeny were around. Well, not Jess, Jez." Amanda says. I remember that. Being under a spell was horrible. Plus I was pale. Pale I tell you, PALE!

"We got to leave." Finn says. We all nod and head towards the exit.

"How do we get out?" Jason asks.

"Well, we slide of course." Finn says. "Okay, first Maybeck, then Hazel, Frank, Piper, Leo, Annabeth, Willa, Percy, Philby, Jess, Amanda then me. Got it?" We all nod. Finn is very much a natural leader, whether he likes it or not. But Philby has been getting annoying with the leadership thing recently. It really all started on the cruise. Everytime I crossed over, it was him and Finn going back and forth against each other.

Maybeck pushes the button and the floor comes out from under him. He slides down. Then everyone else does. I finally push the button and I slide down. I screamed for the first second. I never can get over the drop. I feel like I am going to go straight for the ground. Plus once, when the floor came out, I was leaning forward and slid down on my belly, head first. Luckily, I had landed on Maybeck. I see Amanda, then Finn slide down after me.

"Let's go somewhere else. How about Beast's Castle? We can eat and talk." Finn says. We all nod and exit the castle. We make it to Be Our Guest and sit down at a table in a corner.

"Whoa." A few of the demigods say. The new Fantasyland was amazing.

"Okay, so Willa. Before we get into dreams, did you find anything?" I had almost forgotten that Willa was researching.

"Yeah, so bones is another word for dice." She says.

"Bones?" Maybeck asks.

"Yes, bones means dice Maybeck. Anyways, I looked up dice Greek mythology and dice is another name for Dike, goddess of justice." Willa says. "So, know anything about Dike?" She asks the demigods.

"Yeah, but Dike hasn't had any half-bloods in awhile so I have no clue about a shield." Annabeth says.

"Yes, plus Dike isn't even consider a minor god at camp. I mean yeah, she is but we don't ever speak of her." Percy says.

"Yeah, it says hear that her mother was Themis and father Zeus. And her grandmother was Gaea." Willa said. They all went pale.

"What up with you guys?" I ask.

"Bad memories." Jason says.

"Really bad memories." Nico added.

"Extremely bad memories." Frank says.

"Okay, so we have bad, really bad and extremely bad. What are we getting ourselves into?!" I say and drop my head.

"Well, at least its not Gaea." Piper says.

"But Dike was most likely on Gaea's side." Hazel added.

"But her father was Zeus! She could be a daddy's girl." Piper says.

"I doubt it. She is probably on the strongest side. When we defeated Gaea, I didn't even think we would all make it, let alone defeat her. Well actually Leo didn't make it but that's a whole other story." Annabeth says.

"So who is Gaea?" Maybeck asks, confused.

"Its more like a who and what. She is the Earth basically." Percy said.

"So does anyone have a clue about a shield or anything Dike related?" Finn asks.

"Well, the Vermont State House has a figure of Astraea in it. Which that was Dike's human name when she lived on Earth." Annabeth says.

I stare at her, shocked about how she knew this. I barely can remember all 50 states let alone an exact figure at a exact location.

Percy speaks up. "Annabeth has a thing for architecture."

"Ohhhh." I say.

"Okay, so we are going to Vermont. But first, it says to go the camp." Philby says. I am surprized it wasn't a fact or something nerdy. Professor Philby hasn't been himself lately. I wonder...

"But how are we going to get to New York and Vermont and back in one day? My mom would never let me." Willa says.

"Ya, and Ms. Nash would kill us." Amanda says.

"Its true, she would." I say, backing up Willa and Amanda.

"We should be able to do it in a day if we shadow travel. How about we meet up tomorrow?" Percy asks.

We all nod. Finn grabs a napkin and writes down something and hands it to Percy.

"That's my address. Everyone be there 10 before 8. Got it?" Finn asks. We nod again.

"I'll contact Charlene and tell her." Willa says.

"Okay. Anyone else have anything to add?" Finn asks. I look around. No body responds, indicating a no. "Good, then I'll see everyone tomorrow."

We say our goodbyes and split up. I see Amanda staring at Finn as we walk away.

"Girl, you got it hard."

"What?" she looks at me. "Oh. Shut up." She gives me a playful push. I laugh. Then we make our way to the entrance.

Sorry that it's so short and all talking but the next one will be filled with action. This was more of one to understand things before we begin. Hope you enjoyed!

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