Chapter Ten

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Vermont State House

Amanda's POV

"Hazel, take Annabeth back to the camp. Amanda and I will search the tunnel." Willa says. Hazel nods and walks off with Annabeth.

I dig through my bag and find some flashlights. I hand one to Willa and turn on mine. "Let's go. We need to do this quickly and quietly." and we descend down the stair case. It was pitch black besides where our flashlights shone. The tunnel was like a cave. There was utter silence besides our footsteps and the dripping of water. There were spider webs everywhere and I was praying that the spiders weren't nearby. Then things went south.

"It's a frickin dead end. Are you kidding me?!" I exclaim.

"Wait look." Willa said, pointing toward a Greek sigma sign. "Didn't Annabeth touch one of those and the stairwell opened?"

"Ya! She did!" I say.

Willa slowly reaches out. Finally she touches it. Nothing. "It didn't work. Maybe it's because we aren't Greek or something." Willa says.

"Maybe it just needs some force." I say. I reach out my hand and just as I barely touch it, the sigma lights up. The tunnel starts to rumble, then the wall opens up, revealing a silver shield. "Woah."

We run up to it. The shield was gorgeous. A little dusty, but still. It had writing all over it.

" I wonder what it says." Willa says.

"Why don't you just read it then?"

"Because it's in Greek."

"No it isn't. I can read it perfectly."

"Amanda..." she says slowly. "How can you read Greek?"

I gasp. All the pieces finally fit together.

"Amanda, you're not a-"

"Willa, I got to tell you something very important." She nodded. "When we arrived at the camp, you guys couldn't cross the boarder. But me and Jess could. I now know Jess could pass because of being a descendant of Delphi but me..."

She gasp. After a moment of silence she finally speaks up. "We need to get out of here."

I grab the shield and we run. We make it out of the tunnel and back into the state house. When we reach the front, we were so relieved to see Mrs. O'Leary sitting there. They must of send her back for us, knowing we needed a ride. Willa and I hop on and shadow travel away.

Camp Half-Blood

Hazel's POV

We walk down Half-Blood hill. I see the other group huddled up at the cabins. And it looks like Thalia is with them. The hunters must be here. Leo was the first to see us.

He waves. "Hey Hazel! Hey Annie!" I hear Annabeth growl behind me. "Where's everyone else?" Everyone turn towards us.

"Um... we left Amanda and Willa to finish. They should be back soon." I say.

"Where's Percy?" my brother, Nico asks. Annabeth shakes her head. Thalia runs up to Annabeth and hugs her as tears flow down Annabeth's face. Thalia escorts her away before anything was said.

I turn back to see shocked and sad faces. "Who took him?" Frank asks.

"I think they," I pointed towards the DHIs "call them the Overtakers. I think Amanda or Willa said one of them was Maleficent." All of the DHIs gasp.

"She's... She's alive?!" Charlene asks, shocked beyond belief.

"I killed her!" Finn says. "I should of known she would come back." he mumbles.

"You guys!" I hear behind me, towards the hill. I see Willa and Amanda running. But I saw something on Amanda's arm. It looked like a silver shield.

They finally reach us. "We found the shield!" Amanda says. "It says the prophesy Wayne gave us!"

"How can you read Greek Amanda?" Philby asks.

"That's beside the point. What I'm trying to say is-" I gasp. Amanda started glowing a deep purple glow and above her head appeared a wand and crystal ball.

Out of no where, Chiron appears. He smiles, "All hail Amanda Lockhart, daughter of the godess of magic and witchcraft, Hecate." We kneel down and rise.

"You knew?" Amanda asks Chiron, confused.

"YOU knew?!" Finn asks Amanda. She turns for him.

"Not until recently." I see a girl walk up.

"You asked for me Chiron?" the girl questions.

"Ah yes, Lou Ellen. Meet your new sister, Amanda. Let Amanda meet her siblings for a minute, then the mortals can go home for it is getting late. We can continue this another day."

"Yay! Finally a new sister! We don't get many in the Hecate cabin. Come on!" She grabs him by the arm and yanks her away.

10 minutes later...

Amanda's POV

After meeting all my siblings, I walk towards the big house. Apparently, half of my siblings can levitate objects so that's where my abnormal power comes from. Though when I showed them they were all shocked on how powerful it was. I got a weird feeling.

I shrug it off and enter the house. All faces turn towards me. I notice Annabeth is not present.

"Just in time! We are just about to leave." Maybeck says happily. I roll my eyes. A few other people do too.

I walk towards Finn. I lean down and whisper in his ear, "Can we talk outside?" He nods and I follow him out the front door.

He leans on the railing while I lean on him. "I have to stay, you know?" I say after a minute of complete silence.

He turns towards me. I stare deep into his green eyes. "I was afraid you were going to say that." He looks down. I slide my hand into his.

"Finn, I found out I have a mom! And I can't just leave after that." He looks up. Sorrow fills his eyes.

"I know," he drops his head again

"Hey, hey, hey." Using my hand, I lift his head. Our eyes meet once again. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"I know. But what about me. I can't live without you. I already almost lost you once. I can't let it happen again."

"Finn. You'll never loose me." Then I lean over and softly kiss him. We hug for about five minutes until breaking apart. Then I just lean on him until the others come out.

Finn, Charlene, Maybeck, Philby, Jess and I walk up to Thalia's Pine. We all hug and and say our goodbyes. I wave. "See you soon." I say.

Nico and Mrs. O'Leary wait for them. Jess and I wave as they shadow travel away.

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