Chapter Two

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This story takes place after Blood of Olympus and Dark Passage. :) Enjoy!


Finn's POV

"Who were they?" I asked Philby.

"Who... cares...?" Philby says, taking deep breaths in between.

"Amanda and Charlene should be outside by now. Take the stairs. It's faster." I say. We sprint past the elevators.

"Did you hear somebody yell RUN!?" Philby asked.

"Those two kids! We left them not even realizing the hyenas could kill them!" I stop and turn around. "I'll create a diversion. You make sure when they come to you to get them out. Safely." He rolls his eyes.

I started sprinting toward the hall where the two teens were. I turned the corner. I hit something and fall back. I look in front of me to see the two kids on their backs.

"Are those...?" The girl says not finishing.

"Hyenas from The Lion King. Why, yes. Yes they are." I stand up and jump in front of the hyenas.

What am I going to do? Think Finn. I look around and see framed pictures. I grab the closest (Bambi) and take it off the wall. I slam the picture onto the ground, breaking all the glass. I grab all the pieces of glass that I can and start pegging them at the hyenas. The first one missed but the second one hit one of the hyenas on its heel. It falls over. I peg a few more at the other one and it finally falls over. I peg a few more at both to make sure they won't be getting up any time soon. I turned around. The two were up and ready. I could tell they weren't normal.

"Smart." The boy said.

"What's smart?" I ask, confused.

"What you did. Using the glass as daggers."

"Oh. That was nothing. Just some quick thinking." The boy and girl looked about a year or two older than me. The boy had jet black hair with sea green eyes and the girl had blonde, messy curls and grey eyes.

"So what were you guys doing out in the hallway?" I ask.

"Talking. It's way too crowded in our room." The boy said.


"Well, we have 8 total." The girl said.

"Wow. Well anyways I'm Finn Whitman." The girl gasps. "What?"

"That's how I know you! You're a DHI!" She said. "The name's Annabeth."

"Hi Annabeth. And you are?"

"Percy." He said calmly. "So, why were you being chased by hyenas?"

"Finn!" Philby yelled from a distance.

"Coming!" I yelled back. "Uh... I'll discuss it with you if I see you again. Bye Annabeth and Percy." I ran off.

"What took you so long? The girls are getting worried. They keep texting me." Philby saws holding up his phone.

"I was talking and your mother is wondering if you needed any more lotion." I laugh as he quickly pulls his phone away and shoves it into his pocket.

"Let's take the elevator." Philby suggests. I nod and we walk into the elevator. We wait for a minute as it takes us down 4 floors and finally the doors open. And right in front of us are two very angry or worried girls. Probably both.

"Where have you been?" Amanda says. She comes over and hugs me.

"Wait, are you mad or relieved?" I ask.

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