Chapter Two: Forged in Steel

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EDITED: 24/08/2022

Narrator POV

Across town, Calvin and Hayley narrowly miss some of the garbage that Redbot, Mick and Brody used to escape. After exiting Calvin's car, and Calvin kicks one rock that turns into Mick, who asks them about Brody. Neither teen believes him about his origins so Mick tries to prove it with his broken Datacom. Unfortunately, at this time, several Kudabots show up, looking to claim Mick. After Haley and Calvin fend them off, they get into Calvin's car and drive off, much to Ripcon's displeasure.

Haley and Calvin take Mick to the high school, so he can use the shop class to fix the Datacom. Principal Hastings comes in and mistakes Mick for the new shop teacher. Not seeing any way else, Mick accepts the position, and meets Victor and Monty. Victor shows off his freshly painted car to the new teacher, completely unaware it's parked on the main paint line, causing it to blow up covering Victor and Monty in paint.


Liam POV

"Where could my brother be?" Brody said, as he went outside to look for his brother Aiden.

"My sensors detect no signs of life." Redbot said.

Sarah and I went over to him to comfort him. Sarah told Brody that his dad trained them to be ninjas, so that where ever he could be he is fine.

Preston came to us and told us that Galvanax could be here anytime and that we need to find that Ninja Steel. "Alright." Brody said, as Sarah helps him up.

"I bet it's in my father's workshop." Brody said, as we follow him to his father's workshop.


We went over to the workshop, Brody grabbed a shovel, he begins digging, and told us that his dad hid a box that was part of his ninja training.

Preston went over and found a broken truck under a cover, Brody told us it's his dad's.

"So this is where your dad trained you and Aiden?" Sarah asked, as she looks at the trophies with me next to her.

"You know people says my dad was the greatest ninja that ever lived, I wanna grow up to be just like him." Brody said.

Preston ask how did his dad found the Ninja Steel. Brody gave Redbot the shovel, and told us that it was a meteorite found at their yard and it was incased in Ninja Steel.

His dad chipped off the Ninja Steel and discover the Nexus Prism underneath.

He melted the Ninja Steel to create the Ninja Stars, than Galvanax showed up. His dad destroyed the Nexus Star and disappeared.

We went and comfort him.

"Oh my motherboard, I found something." Redbot told us. We went over to it, and started helping Brody to dig the item, and we pulled out a box.

We opened up the box and found nothing. I found a photo and asked what is it. Brody took the photo and told us it must be a clue.

"Hold on let me see that." Sarah said, as she took the photo and taking a closer look at it. "This trophy looks so familiar." She said.

"Yeah, it does." I added.

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