Chapter Ten: Rocking and Rolling

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Edited: 27/08/2022

A/N: So I just found out, I accidentally put the wrong name of Dawn Anderson in the Chapter "The Dancing Ninja". That is because before Dawn came to be, his original name is Pearl, so yeah. Don't worry, I fixed it.

Liam POV

All of us were inside of Levi's concert, while wearing our backstage passes. We were amazed by how big the concert is.

"Look!" Sarah said.

"What, this is epic!" Brody said.

"This is cool!" Beau said.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe how big this place is!" Calvin said.

"Levi, twenty-thousand people all coming to see you!" Sarah said.

"That's amazing!" I said.

"It's sold out. Crazy, huh?" Levi said.

"I heard some people waited in-line all night." Brody said.

"I've been working so hard on this world tour. They're gonna love it." Levi said.

"Uh, world tour? How long are you gonna be gone for?" Brody asked.

"Oh, just three months. But don't worry. The Rangers need some Gold Power, I'll be there." Levi said, and we were all worried.

"Maybe we should talk about this." Brody said.

"Here's your biggest fan." Tom said, with Mary behind him.

"Levi!" Mary shouted.

"Hey, Mary. I'm so glad you won those back stage passes." Levi said, as he gave her a hug.

"When I grow up, I'm gonna be a singer just like you." Mary said.

"Sounds good, buckaroo. Hey, how about we take a selfie?" Levi said, as he took out his cheeseburger shaped camera.

"Cool camera." Mary said.

"Does my biggest fan know my favorite food?" Levi asked, Mary nodded her head, and he opened up his camera.

"All right, one, two, three cheeseburger." Both Levi and Mary said, as the picture was taken.

"Did you guys know that he was going on a world tour for three months?" Sarah asked.

"I had no idea." Brody said.

"Me too." I said.

Suddenly loud rumbling could be heard.

"That's another earthquake." Preston said.

Suddenly Brody's Ninjacom beeped.

"All those earthquakes are coming from a location close to you." Mick told us, through Brody's Ninjacom.

"Really? Send us the coordinates, Mick. We'll check it out. Levi." Brody said, and we walked over to Levi. Mary just left.

"All these earthquakes aren't normal, even for California. We need to see what's causing them." Brody said.

"Levi. We gotta move." Tom said, as he taps his watch.

"Be right there." Levi said.

"Look, guys, my concert's about to start. Can you handle it?" Levi asked, as Brody looked at all of us.

"Sure, I guess if you have to. We'll let you know if we need you." Brody said, as Levi sighed.

"Thanks. Appreciate it." Levi said, as he grabbed his guitar, and went to get ready for his concert.

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