Chapter Seven: The Dancing Ninja

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Beau POV

I'm finally back at Summer Cove after so long, being at Harwood County has been... something. To say the least. I mean, you don't just get an alien invasion everyday now, do you?

Hi! I'm Beau Foster, I'm Hayley's adopted brother, even though we're not related, we're still family.

I left Summer Cove a few years ago, when I got an offer of improving my dancing skills, ever since then I've been in a few concerts, performance, music videos, etc.

I'm still a teenager, and I always wanted to finish high school. And that's why I'm back, although that's not the only reason.

For you guys to understand, let's have a quick flashback.


Flashback 3rd POV

It was the night when Beau had to leave Harwood County, he was there with his luggage, as he said his goodbye to his friends.

"I'm gonna miss you guys." Beau said, as he stood in front of his friends.

Troy Burrows
Jaxson Moran
Emma Goodall
Jake Holling
Gia Moran
Noah Carver
Dawn Anderson

"We're gonna miss you too." Gia said, as she walks up to him, and gave him a hug.

"Yeah, we're really gonna miss you." Emma said, as she gave him a hug as well.

"Stay out of trouble, alright?" Noah said, as he high-fived with him.

"That seems impossible, given the circumstance." Dawn said, gesturing towards Beau's Ninja Star. While Orion's arm was around him.

"Well, regardless, you're gonna do great, being a Ranger." Orion said, as he fist-bumps with him.

"Stay fresh. Black is the way to go." Jake said, as he fist-bumps with him.

"Thanks guys." Beau said. "Also when is the wedding?" He asks, as he turn towards Troy and Jax.

Troy and Jax blushes. Troy has his arm around Jax.

"Oh please, Troy still doesn't have the guts to propose yet." Jax teasingly said, as he looks at Troy.

"I'm just waiting for the right moment." Troy said, as he looks at Jax. "It wouldn't be a surprise now, would it?"

Everyone laughed. The airport remind the people who were boarding, about the plane arrived.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to go." Beau said, and he begins walking away. "I'm gonna miss you guys, I'll make sure to call."

Everyone waved him goodbye.

"Remember Beau! We'll always be watching!" Troy said. Reminding Jax, of how Jayden and Gabe told them.

Beau smiled at them, and left.


Present Beau POV

I made my way towards Summer Cove High, immediately not wanting to be late to school, even though I already am.


3rd POV

The Rangers got back to Summer Cove High, from fighting a monster name Badmovo.

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