Chapter Eleven: The Ranger Ribbon

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Edited: 28/08/2022

Liam POV

All of us were at a park walking towards a tree.

"Where you takin' us, Preston?" Levi asked.

"You'll see." Preston replied.

"Isn't that the ribbon tree?" Brody asked, all of us laughed, as we ran towards the tree that was full of ribbons. "Oh, man. I remember it from when I was a kid." He said ,as all of us got close to it.

"Wow, there's thousands of ribbons." Sarah and I said.

"But, I don't- I don't get it." Sarah said.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Yeah. What's the deal?" Levi asked.

"It's so great. You tie a ribbon to symbolize important moments like family, friends." Preston said.

"Cal and I put one up on our anniversary." Hayley said.

"Well, now we'll all be on the tree together." Preston said, as he showed us a grey ribbon with all of our names on it and in our Ranger Colors.

"Oh, Brody, Preston, Calvin, Hayley, Sarah, Liam, Beau, Levi." Brody read the ribbon.

"Mm-hm. A Ranger Ribbon." Preston said.

"That's a great idea. Well, let's put it up." Calvin said, and everyone agreed. "How about right here?" He asked, as they hang the ribbon.

"I wish, I have a special someone to put a ribbon on the tree together." I said, as I sighed, unaware that Levi is looking at me.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll fins that special someone soon." Beau said.

"Should I know something?" I asked.

"No, what?" Beau said.

"Like the way you look at Brody." I whispered.

Beau blushes. "No, I don't." He denies.

"Beau, I've seen the way you look at him." I said.

"And I've seen the way you look at Levi." Beau countered.

Now it was my turn to blush.

"Tell you what, let's help each other." Beau said.

"How?" I asked.

"I'll try my best, to get you two some alone time-" Beau said.

"And I'll try my best, to get you and Brody some alone time as well." I said.

The both of us laughed, as we agreed silently. Unaware that Brody and Levi were looking at us.
A/N: Oh~ Are they jelly?

Everyone was putting the Ranger Ribbon on the tree until we were interrupted by horn honking.

"Huh?" Sarah said, as we saw cars, and trucks coming close to the tree.

"Who's that?" Levi asked.

"What's going on?" Brody asked, as we all stood in front of the tree, and saw a bunch of man were holding chainsaws.

"Clear out of the way, kids. This tree's comin' down to make way for a new building." A man told us.

"They're cutting down the ribbon tree?" Hayley asked.

"They can't do that. Can they?" Sarah asked.

"Well, we won't let 'em." Preston said. "Unless you want to put a ribbon on it, you can't touch this tree." He said.

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